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It would be time extraordinarily well-spent. If WE don't do it, nobody will.

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Actually, that's where the fight is happening right now with the RNC. Over financing. Trump has to pay back hisself from the campaign when the convention ends and he is the candidate. Then the campaign comes under a whole nuther set of laws. He bought and paid for Christie, allegedly, "loaning" the 500K in debt Christie had left. And what is it with wite people and "race" wars? John Brown wanted to start one. Charlie Manson wanted to start one. Dylann Root wanted to start one.

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He resembles an orangutan, and similar primates were used in early space exploration...

"Donald Trump: First man on Europa!"

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A Sensible Policy for a Better America.

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Sensible? That's disgusting! We're going to make America yooge again! Beautiful and terrific, other tired superlatives.

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It's a risk I'm willing to take. Our gain is Titan's loss.

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They do not have a newsletter. A newsletter would require communication and interpersonal skills, which they do not have.

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Pravda also too.

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$1800.00 ? Seriously?

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Could be. Putin tried to destroy the U.S. during the GOP-caused Great Recession. Now, he may have found a "better" way...

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Cthulu vs the Donald, which of those is the lesser evil?

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With that sort of noledge, you must be a Trump Computer University gradugate!

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Yes, and now I am the President of the Donald J. Trump Upstairs College of Tremendous Computering and Tonsorial Arts!

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Peach lug season is almost here! Mmmmmmmmm....

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