That was not viable, and it was shut down by biology. Hard to get your head around that, is it?

If you are going down the "DNA" alley, you might take some time to understand how things like transcription errors and SNPs happen, along with how immune systems are regulated and what sort of outcomes abberatios most often produce just as a general overview.

Or pretend it's all part of magic. You decide. If you decide to stick with magic and magical thinking, though, you ought to start calling miscarriages "God's abortions" , over 1,000,000 of them in the USA alone every year. Miscarriages make God the primary abortion provider worldwide in the world of magical thinking.

Or not. Maybe it's not magic. Maybe wishes don't happen just by wishing?

Maybe something else is happening? Maybe biology/genomics/genetics don't work the way you think they do? Maybe they don't even care about your moralizing? Maybe a zygote or even an embryo isn't sentient from the time your sperm pierces an ovum? That might explain why nobody ever emerged into the world with memories of before they even had a fully formed human brain?


Genomics and computers are sort of my thing if you are interested in having a real discussion on matters like binding affinities or the effort to understand functional space and protein-coding and such instead of trotting out talking points without really understanding what you are talking about, though.

I'd much rather have a discussion about real stuff than fantasy and rhetorical nonsense, but I find it difficult to have that sort of discussion outside my field. Funny how that works.

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"Well, he looks like he's guilty of something, so yeah, I'll vote to convict!"

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I for one am looking forward to being ruled by our feline overlords.

Waitaminute, we already are.

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I didn't see my kids for three days after they were born. I waited until their eyes were open.

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possessing human DNA = toe nail clipping


toe nail clipping = Marco Rubio

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My old buddy Bukkit Frenchie has the right idea...


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I thought he wasn't a scientist, man.

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Just don't observe it.

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About 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Thump Marco Rubio on the nose if you think having over 1,000,000 funerals for miscarriages every year seems stupid.

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Cat-human hybrids do exist!

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"Cat" on Red Dwarf! Loved him.

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While walking in the woods I came upon a squirrel climbing on a poplar tree at about eye level. Slowly I circled the tree, and as i did so, he did the same all the time staring me right in the eye. When we made it the full way round, I could honestly say that I walked all the way around that squirrel, and he could honestly say I didn't. This, this is what I think of your so called "logic" Mr. Rubio.

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My sperm will not morph into cat sperm either. No matter where I deposit it.

So what is this strawman supposed to teach me?

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be cautious tho, just a bit of fly dna in with the human and before you know it your neglecting Geena Davis's lady needs.

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thowse kittens have got the look down, is moar lifelike even the the donalds!

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