It's what is meant by the term pizza *pie*.

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You mean Duh Mare?

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As opposed to Dyngus Day, when it rains... well, nevermind.

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... "Frozen"...

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Yes, it's all Republicans.

The Tammany Machine walked and talked like a Democratic fraud machine, but it was really a clever plan by Republicans to win sympathy by being defrauded of electoral victories.

In 1960, Republicans came up with a cunning plan to give Kennedy the election, generating a 100,000 overvote in Chicago, all of which were for Kennedy.

And more recently, the GOP reelected Al Franken through voter fraud. We're not sure why, we just know they did it. Wheels within wheels within wheels, those Republicans!

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You didn't get out without concerns of voter fraud. The Democrats pioneered massive voter fraud starting in the 19th century, and the Daley Machine in Chicago skewed the election, if not gave it, to Kennedy in 1960. Voter fraud has been a concern for a long time.

So we have articles like this, where they are pointing out someone who votes twice, compared to Civil War Veterans for Obama, Revolutionary War Veterans for Obama, Former Slaves for Obama, etc.--thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes.

Pointing out Republican voter fraud is like picking the floaters out of a waste treatment plant standing tank.

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Wait, wut?

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No persons shall be elected to, or appointed to fill a vacancy in, any office who is a few beers short of a 6-pack.


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It takes a lot of nerve to say that a county clerk doing their job to clean up the voter rolls (and in a legitimate way rather than the skeevy "oh, your name is sorta spelled like a felon's") is trying to unfairly disenfranchise someone <em>who voted twice in the same election</em>.

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Voting is your duty as an American. Real Patriots vote as many times as possible.

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It's the thing where the RWNJ's don't really have anything bad to say so they just repeat the lie over and over and over again.

Mr. Obama was outside the Chicago machine. Famously, he went to look for work and was told "we don't want nobody nobody sent."

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The thing where you get to auction off a fucking valuable senate seat.

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Any chance of it raining vodka?

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It's the thing where being a "community organizer" (i.e. black) is like never having a real job (i.e. not being white) and therefore you have no idea what the experience of Real Hardworking Americans (i.e. white Republicans) is like (i.e. black.) Also, black, too.

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