The Revelation of John is one bad mushroom trip.

There are some other non cannon writings that are even more out there.

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Why would anybody want to be god-fearing, anyway? What kind of damage makes you want a god you have to be afraid of?

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Time for some good old fashion 80s era satanic panic:


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How am I supposed to order through Amazon without using a number? Hengghhhh?

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It's the MAGA hat that's "the Mark of the Beast" . . . and they've already "taken" it.

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Cf. Lindsay Graham giggling that he grovels to Trump because he's afraid of him, and doesn't find this at all bothersome. I guess his god wasn't scary enough?

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Ah yes, the BDT, perfected by... that dude?

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Don't remember that one, but Mark Twain's takes on religion were always pretty bleak.

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These “Mark of the Beast” fucksticks are beyond insufferable because they think they possess such amazing foresight and deductive abilities with the way they’re able to link things to other things to show some vast conspiracy. When what they fail to realize is that, with a minimum of effort, you can find enough coincidences and other random things to link almost anything.

Case in point: in the 1983 movie “Blue Thunder”, a film about a super sophisticated attack helicopter, one of the crew members in the closing credits is named “Larry C. Bird” who obviously used his middle initial so as not to be confused with Larry Bird the Hall of Fame basketball player. A buddy and I did a “what if it was actually the Larry Bird” and we found a several things in the film that could be used as “proof” to show it was really him. It was actually a little eerie some of the things we found, but we know it’s all just coincidence and we didn’t build our fucking existence off it.

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What's the point in letting us scurry around here in sin for a few dozen years, and then throwing us into hell for all eternity? Seems like that game would get pretty boring after a few centuries.

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Moses David Berg and the Children of God warned us back in the 1970’s!

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Unfortunately, if we convince them voting is the mark of the beast, they won't just stop voting themselves. They want to make everyone follow their stupid beliefs, so they'd just cancel voting altogether.

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Religion is the refuge of the moron.

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Wouldn't a telephone number be a "number of a man" too?

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The covid vaccine makes your dick bigger.

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