It was cool when it just meant "pay attention!", and then it became a thing. Ugh.

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Yeah, it was awful when libs were using it to describe themselves and even awfuller when Repubs got ahold of it.

Truly a both-sides thing for once.

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As used, the term is applied to all manner of liberal / left social movements.

How about "With it"? Who wouldn't want to be With It?

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Don't you mean "I can't choose to have lead in your pipes if I want it?"

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It's also conceivable that they are "in between" when it comes to party policies. For example, they can be anti-abortion but still support liberal social justice programs. If neither party will make them feel welcome.....

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I'm not pissed when they actually do read the bill - I'm pissed when they claim an opponent hasn't, when it's pretty patently evident, from their words, that they themselves have not - but are merely emptily parroting yet another talking point.

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Is your performative woke outrage perhaps available at an hourly rate? I think I need an unfiltered spokesperson to accompany me to my next family get-together. Most of them are racist and most of them won't get vaccinated. It would be convenient to bring along my very own woke outrage translator. I could stay cool and collected while you decimate everyone! It would be nice times.

The more I mull it over...why isn't this a cottage industry?!

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The reason they are called Reagan Democrats is because Racist Democrat is too rude. That happened in 1980.

The only racists left adjacent to the Dem party are the rump Bernie racists. And those not-a-racist total bigots are future republicans, alas.

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Yes, they are stupid. We agree.

Indy is how stupid people think smart people identify in politics. It is the sign of the idiot.

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OMG Berder Caravans! didn’t work in 2018. I was shocked that nobody bit, and I fully expect it to be an anomaly

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Those poll results are...curious. Two of the six infrastructure categories poll lowest among Independents: not just below Democrats, but also below Republicans. In one more, Independents poll virtually the same as Republicans, despite their polling significantly higher in the remaining categories.

The three categories that Independents seem to dislike are Roads, Public Schools and Veteran's Hospitals. I can't speak for other states, but in California these are traditional public works measures that come up as initiatives almost every election. Historically, these sorts of measures passed with ease in the eighties and nineties, but now they're a harder sell and fail more often than they pass.

The three categories Independents seem to like quite a bit are different, things that are needed but don't get talked about (or proposed) very much.

This suggests a political argument. It seems to me that Independents kinda like the more think-outside-the-box infrastucture investments. It might be a good idea to talk about those more. And yes, that also means the Green stuff. It's an argument who's time has come.

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The term "Reagan Democrats" should have been retired ages ago. They're now just republicans.

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I'd say it's still way too soon to make any predictions about the 2022 midterms. However, republicans are not doing themselves any favors with this cultural war bullshit. No one gives a shit about Mr. Potato Head's penis or which Dr. Seuss books are being discontinued when the most pressing issue on their minds is when they can hug their grandkids again.

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Are you saying I can't choose to have lead in my pipes if I want it? FREEDUMB PIPES!!!

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They're also hoping it will be gone. I think that may be in question.

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