Good to know this group is being treated as they treat others.

The Stepford Fascist Moms of America are getting a strong dose of their own medicine.

They started to make significant inroads in liberal Southern California : until that is the good tolerant folks of places like Temecula ;

(one of the last bastions of conservative thought become right wing in SoCal);

Finally had enough and fought back. Personally, mind you, they had no liking for all that “liberal stuff”, but dislike being told what to do : (such as being told what they could read or couldn’t read). So, after many an acrimonious and divisive community meeting, they “through the bums out!”.

And so it is happening now in many places. These people are not welcome:

Along with their “Fahrenheit 51” philosophy of burning and eliminating the very thoughts of people : (the people they don’t happen to like).

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Let's please all keep in mind that we're not all men, cis straight, white, middle class, or merely liberal in our political positions. OK?

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There's a recall election for the school board president who snuck in under the radar and then tried to institute the American Birthright Social Studies. We rose up en masse, in a fairly red area. He'll be gone soon.

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Horrific poster and horrific people.

If these "Moms for Liberty" had to live for a WEEK under real Fascism, they'd be begging for it to be ended in two days.

By Communists.

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LIke those idiot mooks who moved to Russia! (With all their kids unfortunately, poor kids.)

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Lee Harvey Oswald is the best known such example, but several of the Black Panther enthusiasts and the six Quebec Libre kids who killed Quebec Trade Minister Pierre LaPorte and held British Trade Commissioner Jasper Cross hostage, demanded and got flights to Cuba to avoid American and Canadian justice, respectively.

The Cubans flung both sets of revolutionaries into prisons. When they emerged, the Cubans shipped both back to their native countries. The Americans denounced Communism and became Reaganauts. The Canadians pleaded guilty and begged for mercy.

Both had been disillusioned by the harsh reality of Communism.

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I meant NOW, not then. And it's definitely not communism now.

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I usually use the phrase "That's Communism!" when I'm annoyed by something that's just annoying, but not enough to get angry about. Caustic humor.

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Gotcha, my humor is somewhat different. More like "that's capitalism, folks!"

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The other thing I like to say when I'm mildly irritated is "What a bunch of devious weasels!"

I got that from "Calvin and Hobbes." Great line.

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I haven't seen fascists lose like this since August 1945.

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Except for the ones we're currently bankrolling.

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This story makes me disproportionately happy.

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Good on ya, Muricans!

Please stop exporting these people up here tho. My moron provincial government has attempted to solve “problems” like people being forbidden from wearing Remembrance Day poppies (zero people), people being forbidden to commit crimes of pronouns (there is no support for this crap at all outside of hillbilly places) and people not flying “flag” at schools (which will cost every school like $5000 for a new flagpole because no you cannot jam 4 flags on one pole). The main people promoting this? If you said Moms of Liberty you win a perogie!

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Perogies are awesome. That is all. - Sincerely, lady from North Dakota

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Howdy neighbour!

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I want my pierogi boiled first then browned in a frying pan with butter and onions. Served with sour cream on the side, and ketchup also on the side in case I crave it.

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Ketchup is for spaetzle. Had good spaetzle at a place here in town actually. They had either as a side plus fries etc, and I was all “perogies” until she said spaetzle and then I was HYPED!

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I was with you until the ketchup. Boiled and browned in butter. Filled with cheese and onions, not just potatoes.

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What? And I'll bet you don't like your new queen either? - who claims to be the Monarch of Canada, and claims that she has been "appointed" to that position by an American named David J. Carlson, purportedly the "Commander-In-Chief" and "King" of the United States. She also claims that Carlson appointed her after she led in 2017 a mission against the Chinese communist military, who were allegedly occupying Canada in underground tunnels, where they were producing adrenochrome, trafficking humans and planning to start World War III by attacking the United States

Mind you, we are not completely responsable for her as she orignally came ffom The Philippines...

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She is scaring the crap outta that poor little town. They ran her out of Wolseley but this little dinky place is stuck with her because she’s holed up where the local dangerous wing nut lives.

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I'll bet she is expecting to get her pic on the new versions of money. But instead of King Chuck III, her face will be on the front of the new $1 coin, making it a double loonie...

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She's full of it. Everyone knows Trump is "king of the United States." Just ask the MAGAts.

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This bring me so much joy that these Christo-fascists almost ALMOST got away with fucking with public education. AND the worst part is that once they tore it all down, they would simply walk away and say let's home-stupid our kids like a Starbucks kicking the competition Mom and Pop and leaving the neighborhood. FUCK these shits and the dark money that backed them.

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We kicked their ass and I hepped.

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You know you're dating ourself with that remark.

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So? They're alive and vital. Good luck on getting there yourself!

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True. I’m only 73.

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I was not a "church person" for a very long time. Then Mrs God passed away and I needed people.

Eventually I found the Circular Congregational Church in Charleston, see the note.


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A MfL 5-4 majority has been messing around with Charleston County Schools leadership and policy. Charleston Area Justice Ministry, a 41-church consortium, has been raising the alarm. Unfortunately, we have to wait a year before voting again.

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I voted for school board for the first time yesterday. I couldn't find much information on most of the candidates, so I'm not sure if any lunatics were on the ballot. Of the four candidates who had web pages, only 2 mentioned their involvement with DEI. One just seemed nutty and the other didn't put anything overtly crazy on their web page, but had a few things that seemed like possible coded language like treating students as individuals rather than members of a group. I don't necessarily disagree with the statement, but I worried that it might mean why can't everyone just act white. In the end, I could only cast 2 votes of the 4 I was allowed. Candidates should really make an effort to let people know what they stand for even in local elections.

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Why do Democrats hate Moms and Liberty?

What's next. Are they opposed to Marking America Great Again?

Is this what happens if you go to drag shows, like a speech by Ron DeSantis?????

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Hey, be fair to drag folk!

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Personally, I'm a big fan of Rhonda Santis, and her character of Gov. Puddin' Fingers. Nothing she does is as good as the show I saw with Jinkx this summer, but you have to admire the commitment to the part!

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I will see if I can find YouTube on Rhonda.

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Make sure it is one of her performances where she's wearing her shocking white GoGo boots. They are always the best!

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Ever since 2016 I've had my doubts about the electorate at every level: local, state and national. These school board elections have made me feel a little better about the chances for American democracy. Not a LOT, just a little -- but that's better than nothing!

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It’s the better option. Popular vote elected Al Gore in 2000, not W. And it elected Hillary in 2016, not Rump.

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True that! Now we need to get rid of the Electoral College. The best way to accomplish that is to skip the whole Constitutional Amendment obstacle race, win over some more state legislatures, and get enough states to approve the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

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This is why voting in even local elections is like the beat of a butterfly's wings felt round the country. You make a difference whether you realize it or not.

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My father, who a school district administrator, said that school boards were filled with people who had no idea how schools worked. Kind of like Republicans in any kind of government or oversight positions nowadays.

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“One high school in the district tried to force a librarian to take down posters featuring a quote by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel because it said “neutrality helps the oppressor,””

Won’t someone think of the oppressors??? Stop encouraging students to see, recognize and speak out against oppression! This is no way to suppress free expression!

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Absolutely! It's time someone founded an American Cancelled Oppressors Union (ACOU)...

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