Freeman squeezed his hand in a last-ditch effort to take this weasel with him.

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Prop. 13 cock-blocked the CA budget for decades. They're just now recovering.

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<i>Hand</i> squeezing? This is Wonkette. We don't do hands.

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<i>"Declining wages, a court order to reform and fund our schools, crumbling roads and bridges, skyrocketing college tuition, and an inefficient and ineffective government.” </i>

Uh, Martin? Those are all very Republican things. Weren't you opposed to them when you were a Democrat?

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Let's see, lying, intolerance, flip-flopping. Yup, he's a Republican!

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Are Weasel-Americans eligible to run for public office?

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Look, there's principles, and then there's opportunity to advance one's own interest. Sometimes you have to choose between them. Moore's going to get elected because he can make those tough choices.

And if that's the least weasel-y looking pic his handlers could find of this guy, well....

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Hand squeezing is the only reliable form of communication. Wonket bans <i>typed</i> comments, but squeeze comments are welcomed.

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i think he knows a guy called Ben...something.

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I didn't know you were called Dennis....

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Who doesn't switch allegiance to the winning team after a big game?! Losers, that's who!

Come on, it's not like you have actually believe in the things you "stand for" or anything. That's for Facebook Likes, not politics, duh!

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If they're smart? Currently packing up their office so that the new whip won't have to wait to take it.

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Squeezed his hand?? Fuck, next thing you know this asshole will be waving a balloon in front a woman in a coma to prove that she's still responsive.

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Well, probably 1980 (or so) to 2010, when the Republicans wouldn't let us pay for stuff.

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