You might have hit on an exception to Poe's Law: a true wingnut can spew out this sort of insane babble indefinitely, whereas a satirist, because he's using his brain, will soon run out of energy. I bet $10,000 you could see the difference with fMRI.
Obama IS like Hitler. Hitler's rise to power and Obama's transformation of America are pretty much identical. I am not the only one who thinks this. Glenn Beck, who was fired from FOX News a few years back because of his similar "outlandish" claims, has now been rehired by FOX News to continue espousing his "theories". Fox News' Megyn Kelly was quoted a few months back saying many of his claims have turned out to be true and that she was wrong in dismissing them. She apologized to Glenn Beck on the air. Listen to Michael Savage any day of the week and you will hear his current views on how Obama's administration is a tyranny nearly identical to Hitler. The same with Rush Limbaugh, although he tones it down a bit. Anyone with any intellectual integrity paying attention and that has only a cursory knowledge of twentieth century history cannot escape the parallels. His views that many terrorist events are staged by elements within and surrounding our government are based on very reliable information. Many people know this, but the propaganda machine and their paid shills have done a stellar job of pushing back the narrative and manipulating the many weak minds into staying in the box. Thankfully for the future of this great country the walls are coming down and most people are at least peeking outside the box, while many have jumped out completely.
Peel off his mask and underneath is an alien lizard. Peel off the alien lizard mask and underneath is Sarah Palin™. Peel off the Sarah Palin™ mask and it's just another Sarah Palin™.
Oh? He is &quot;...standing up to the secret societies of the New World Order&quot;? Well, what about the secret societies of the old world order? Organizations like the Knights Templar, the Masons, the Jesuits, the Elders of Zion? Nothing mentioned about them; he attempts to distract us with these &quot;new&quot; secret societies. Which can only mean one thing: he is working <strong>for</strong> one (or more) of these. Have they joined in some sinister alliance? Don&#039;t look to &quot;David Lory VanDerBeek&quot; (if that really is his name, which I doubt -- his masters tip their hand just a bit though by suggesting the Dutch Tulip Bubble, which they doubtless profited from, and are probably having a good laugh at our expense). I&#039;m not sure whether the &quot;Tri-Lateral Commission&quot; is part of the secret societies of the New World Order or the old. In any event, this impostor must be revealed as the tool of the conspiracies! Wake up sheeple! I may have already said too much, but this has to get out while there is still time.
<i>&ldquo;I don&rsquo;t want to become a cold-blooded killer of police officers.&rdquo;</i>
I&#039;m pretty sure he&#039;s lying, actually.
You might have hit on an exception to Poe&#039;s Law: a true wingnut can spew out this sort of insane babble indefinitely, whereas a satirist, because he&#039;s using his brain, will soon run out of energy. I bet $10,000 you could see the difference with fMRI.
Ruler of the Universe, <i>and</i> of these United States?
The fact that there&#039;s a distinction sort of says it all, doesn&#039;t it?
<i>&quot;The longer you ignore me, the stronger I&rsquo;ll grow.&quot;</i>
America should ignore him for, say, the next 75 years, just to see how it pans out.
But it has &quot;ass&quot; in it.
I LOVE this comment.
man you need more points for that.
Designed by Hugo Boss himself.
Obama IS like Hitler. Hitler's rise to power and Obama's transformation of America are pretty much identical. I am not the only one who thinks this. Glenn Beck, who was fired from FOX News a few years back because of his similar "outlandish" claims, has now been rehired by FOX News to continue espousing his "theories". Fox News' Megyn Kelly was quoted a few months back saying many of his claims have turned out to be true and that she was wrong in dismissing them. She apologized to Glenn Beck on the air. Listen to Michael Savage any day of the week and you will hear his current views on how Obama's administration is a tyranny nearly identical to Hitler. The same with Rush Limbaugh, although he tones it down a bit. Anyone with any intellectual integrity paying attention and that has only a cursory knowledge of twentieth century history cannot escape the parallels. His views that many terrorist events are staged by elements within and surrounding our government are based on very reliable information. Many people know this, but the propaganda machine and their paid shills have done a stellar job of pushing back the narrative and manipulating the many weak minds into staying in the box. Thankfully for the future of this great country the walls are coming down and most people are at least peeking outside the box, while many have jumped out completely.
VanDerBeek/Nugent 2016
The full metal retard ticket
Peel off his mask and underneath is an alien lizard. Peel off the alien lizard mask and underneath is Sarah Palin&trade;. Peel off the Sarah Palin&trade; mask and it&#039;s just another Sarah Palin&trade;.
Charlie Sheen?
White guys, that is.
Did he go to camera 3 like Jon always does?
Oh? He is &quot;...standing up to the secret societies of the New World Order&quot;? Well, what about the secret societies of the old world order? Organizations like the Knights Templar, the Masons, the Jesuits, the Elders of Zion? Nothing mentioned about them; he attempts to distract us with these &quot;new&quot; secret societies. Which can only mean one thing: he is working <strong>for</strong> one (or more) of these. Have they joined in some sinister alliance? Don&#039;t look to &quot;David Lory VanDerBeek&quot; (if that really is his name, which I doubt -- his masters tip their hand just a bit though by suggesting the Dutch Tulip Bubble, which they doubtless profited from, and are probably having a good laugh at our expense). I&#039;m not sure whether the &quot;Tri-Lateral Commission&quot; is part of the secret societies of the New World Order or the old. In any event, this impostor must be revealed as the tool of the conspiracies! Wake up sheeple! I may have already said too much, but this has to get out while there is still time.