Ha! No, after prom, so the standard Dressed Nicely with Intent to Eat Breakfast, I guess.

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I doubt coal baron Blankenship draws the distinction.

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"Barry Bams" or President Obama as people who aren't assholes call him, actually had two Attorneys General that did just this.


I get it, he's not your dream revolutionary President you made yourself believe he was in 2008, or your wet dream of what you would think Bernie Sanders would be, but please cut the shit on saying his Justice Department wouldn't have investigated this when they in fact did on many occasions during the previous 8 years. Leave that fake ass news to the fat, bloviating, orange walrus taking residence in the White House currently.

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Mmm, eight years or so? This was somewhere in northern Ohio, where I'd never seen one before, so maybe they were working their way north in the state.

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Calling someone racist might feel good, but it's really ineffective. Because ultimately it doesn't matter if someone is racist, what matters is their behavior, as Jay Smooth has explained very well: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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That makes sense. This was somewhere around Toledo or Bowling Green* - I was driving into Pennsylvania to pick up a Studebaker chassis and the friend I had with me had never been to one before. I'd never seen one in that spot at all. I found a tiny toy dragon in the parking lot and he still lives in the truck.

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Ummm. Denny's (nee Sambo's) has a history, too.

I ate twice at a Waffle House in Lumberton, NC, last week. I was almost, but not quite, the only white customer. Everybody couldn't have been nicer. We all discussed the body lying out on the Interstate and shared our connections to Tidewater, Virginia (all of us had some).

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Decidedly so...

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I don't expect the vast majority of Americans to even know what The Handover is/was, let alone racist Repubs like Blankenship.

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boo diddly hoo.

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Civility is the answer. Caring for other people is the answer. This does not come from the government it comes from us. The people of this country. Don't like bigots? Then say so. Don't let your fellow man or woman be treated shabbily when you have a chance to stop it. We are the ones to stop racism and bigotry in this country. We the people. Until we do that we have abdicated our responsibility to our fellow countrymen and women. One president or one congress can not deal with this. The thing you, DT, fail to comprehend is that the government is not for all things. Racists need to be shamed into silence. It is fairly plan we can not change the stripes of the tiger but we can paint them over and bury them in obscurity.

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Which is the exact reply I would expect from an individual such as yourself. So you pass on personal responsibility and the individual trying to make our world a better place? It's no wonder this country is in the shape it is in. Too many people have said Ugh, pass. You sir are the problem. And you have no solution to it but taking a pass.

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It is not fake and is how I think we should try to be. It is not all possible but a good effort in that direction would probably help out. I am sorry for you that you can not take a statement at face value. The fact that you seem to think a loud call of bullshit negates another person's beliefs simply points to the fact that you are an imbecile. You are one of those individuals that mistakes kindness for weakness. You are a fool.

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I think calling any protest against racism a "knee jerk response" is doing everyone who protests a huge disservice, and I think that any action that serves to show even one person that racism is not acceptable is not a failure.

So I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree, here. You seem to think that any public action against racism will fail because it won't end all racism immediately, which seems like something akin to the argument that says that we shouldn't make laws against guns because new laws won't end all shootings forever and ever amen, and I think you just want an excuse to not feel guilty about eating those waffles you like because doing what's morally right is an inconvenience for you. Clearly we are at an impass.

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That was almost 10 years ago. I wonder if J Smooth still feels that way? Hmm, let me take a look at his Twitter feed...


Check this out, not from July 2008, but May, 2018.

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The whites, thanks to their low sperm counts and incels found in their male ranks, will die off in a few generations.

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