a little zaftig i think.

but then, this IS america.

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<i>are sort of vaguely sorry they hurt people’s feelings when they screamed God hates fags a million times per second and also Muslins and Amerikkka.</i>

All stupid religions are stupid.

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I guess they won't like it when their mother dies and I protest the funeral with a sign stating YOUR DAUGHTER IS A HATEFUL BITCH.

I recognize they are young and can have some indiscretion. Standing at a public event and bloviating utter bullshit about one's sexual orientation or the death of soldier is their right. Conversely, it's my right to reciprocate your hatefulness just once so you think about the consequences before they act that hateful again.

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Being Raphaelites, it's not surprising they weren't happy with the dark ages mentality of the Westboro Batshit Church.

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Surely there's a "reality" show premise here, if this isn't the pilot for it. Those little cultist hotties are too self-assured on camera.

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They seem so normal until the hate comes to the suface. Creepy girls.

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