Thanks. The law seems a little dated, but your repeated use of the word scofflaw kind of makes that point. And if we know anything about the conservative activist supreme court it is that foundational SCOTUS caselaw is made to be overturned. The point is that the House leadership realizes this and they are following the old trial judge's adage of not making a ruling that you cannot enforce. Good things come in time and it will be so with this process as well.
While WingNuts don't usually reference Harry Potter (witchcraft is evil despite the fact that it doesn't exist), nowadays it it genuinely hard to tell for sure. This is especially true if the post is about Pelosi, who for some reason enrages the purity ponies.
We have proof that there was no there under Benghazi because we have had multiple investigations conducted by people who wanted to find something and couldn't.
Mueller is not a dirty cop. He is an extremely ethical prosecutor and has the history of achievement and public service to show it.
Mueller's part in the investigation is over, so no one is asking to give him one more day. Barr's claim that it exonerated Trump has been disproved by the report itself. There are also many other investigations that have never involved Mueller but are finding a lot of Trump criminality.
As for delusional, have you ever considered that maybe that's you? You're the one using the non-word "Funnee," lot of dots, lots of capitalization shouting, meaningless repetition, more dots, and a sentence structure that obliterates all real meaning.
Your use of a purple-haired pony to accompany your nasty post is just one more puzzle. Couldn't you find a picture of a slug or a weasel?
You could have stopped at " we genuinely do not understand" . It is simple really; Mueller is an investigator , NOT a prosecuter. where he was able to indite , he did ( Mannafort , Cohn , etc) he passed on the info on t-Rump to Barr , who DID NOT PASS IT ON TO CONGRESS!. as he is supposed to hence the subpoenas to get all the info contained in the report. As per DOJ guidelines he cannot charge a sitting president , so he didn't. THAT IS CONGRESSES FUCKING JOB and Barr will NOT give them the report they are due. The part of the report we CAN read clearly states that there were over 140 contacts between the t-Rump campaign and Russian interests. and 11 instances of clear obstruction of justice that would land anyone else in prison or at the least in front of a judge & jury.
That lobby looks really, really familiar. I think you might live in the same building as my father-in-law. Either that or the architect did a lot of old timey copy-pasting.
The House does NOT need to invoke impeachment to defend their power of oversight. In fact, setting the precedent that House subpoenas can be ignored without punitive consequence unless impeachment is invoke is exactly what I am arguing against.
The House has the power of oversight. The House has the power to enforce it and get testimony and evidence. The House is avoiding using the power, and punting to the Courts.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't need to say "impeachment". Nancy Pelosi needs to say "We will have the full House vote for Contempt tomorrow and the Sergeant-at-arms will arrest the subpoena scofflaws the day after."
I get that, but there is not going to be punitive enforcement as long as there are colorable legal claims pending in some court. The idea that the sergeant at arms can or ever will arrest anyone know is largely myth and even if it happened the second it gets in front of a judge he/she will order release pending resolution of the case in whatever court it is pending.
And 93.7 % of statistics are pulled out of your ass in real time.
Only in your fevered brain.
I find it interesting that the only people that come to my door to "proselytize" are Christian cultists.
And you used to appear in the centerfold of Blueboy so what's your point?
Thanks for pointing out that I have really got to work on my sarcasm.
Thanks. The law seems a little dated, but your repeated use of the word scofflaw kind of makes that point. And if we know anything about the conservative activist supreme court it is that foundational SCOTUS caselaw is made to be overturned. The point is that the House leadership realizes this and they are following the old trial judge's adage of not making a ruling that you cannot enforce. Good things come in time and it will be so with this process as well.
Or I need to reset my sarc meter.
While WingNuts don't usually reference Harry Potter (witchcraft is evil despite the fact that it doesn't exist), nowadays it it genuinely hard to tell for sure. This is especially true if the post is about Pelosi, who for some reason enrages the purity ponies.
Thanks for the correction.
I genuinely do not understand what you are trying to say. Was that a sentence?
We have proof that there was no there under Benghazi because we have had multiple investigations conducted by people who wanted to find something and couldn't.
Mueller is not a dirty cop. He is an extremely ethical prosecutor and has the history of achievement and public service to show it.
Mueller's part in the investigation is over, so no one is asking to give him one more day. Barr's claim that it exonerated Trump has been disproved by the report itself. There are also many other investigations that have never involved Mueller but are finding a lot of Trump criminality.
As for delusional, have you ever considered that maybe that's you? You're the one using the non-word "Funnee," lot of dots, lots of capitalization shouting, meaningless repetition, more dots, and a sentence structure that obliterates all real meaning.
Your use of a purple-haired pony to accompany your nasty post is just one more puzzle. Couldn't you find a picture of a slug or a weasel?
You could have stopped at " we genuinely do not understand" . It is simple really; Mueller is an investigator , NOT a prosecuter. where he was able to indite , he did ( Mannafort , Cohn , etc) he passed on the info on t-Rump to Barr , who DID NOT PASS IT ON TO CONGRESS!. as he is supposed to hence the subpoenas to get all the info contained in the report. As per DOJ guidelines he cannot charge a sitting president , so he didn't. THAT IS CONGRESSES FUCKING JOB and Barr will NOT give them the report they are due. The part of the report we CAN read clearly states that there were over 140 contacts between the t-Rump campaign and Russian interests. and 11 instances of clear obstruction of justice that would land anyone else in prison or at the least in front of a judge & jury.
That lobby looks really, really familiar. I think you might live in the same building as my father-in-law. Either that or the architect did a lot of old timey copy-pasting.
See, that's a false choice.
The House does NOT need to invoke impeachment to defend their power of oversight. In fact, setting the precedent that House subpoenas can be ignored without punitive consequence unless impeachment is invoke is exactly what I am arguing against.
The House has the power of oversight. The House has the power to enforce it and get testimony and evidence. The House is avoiding using the power, and punting to the Courts.
Nancy Pelosi doesn't need to say "impeachment". Nancy Pelosi needs to say "We will have the full House vote for Contempt tomorrow and the Sergeant-at-arms will arrest the subpoena scofflaws the day after."
You know what? Fuck you. you have no idea what you're talking about.
I get that, but there is not going to be punitive enforcement as long as there are colorable legal claims pending in some court. The idea that the sergeant at arms can or ever will arrest anyone know is largely myth and even if it happened the second it gets in front of a judge he/she will order release pending resolution of the case in whatever court it is pending.