Many of these turds are in for a rude awakening. Let's just hope their foolishness and irresponsible behavior doesn't result in the death of an innocent, unsuspecting person.

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Look at it this way, Evan. You are still 10 years away from 50. When life as you know it ends. And 20 years from 60, when 40 seems like nothing more than a pleasant dream. I won't continue the count down from there. So you will still have lots of mornings when you can wake up and say "I think I'm dying. I'm never doing that again". Then repeating it the next Friday. Or holiday or "special occasion", whichever comes first. Remember, stay hydrated.

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More importantly, did piggy get the cookie?

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Damn, I hate chicken breasts!

I bought some raw shrimp thinking I had chicken thighs in the freezer - nope. I was going to do a Instant Pot jambalaya - instead, I will use up some Indian tikka masala, the shrimp, some Cajun-style Andouille, and brown rice to make something I will love for 2 days then freeze (along with previous versions of jambalaya). At least I am learning to tolerate bell peppers (to a very limited extent). I need to find a partner soon to help me finish off all the IP dinners I make, sigh.

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Yeah, Happy. I am 71 and I keep forgetting that I might be an olds now; I look around and see old people who are in their 50s - does that make sense?

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How could I have forgotten about Cyndi!?

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This is day 365 of staying home; I retired last year and am not very social

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So you're telling us Our Evan is an Aries then - ?

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How about Jiggling - is that a sport?

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Himself's T-shirt, sox, & house slippers. Not even kidding. I put on pants to go out & walk.

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Does to me! #fellowOld And Still Surprised

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Depends on what you mean by "partner."

But proudgrampa grump would gladly join a Grumpy Old Man for dinner!

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I suspect we're somewhat protected by being neighbors to Bexar County, plus Texas is late to the coronovirus party, because our county in Texas isn't showing abnormal yet and we're (our county, my family is) not doing anything, nor is Abbott.

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A young friend of mine in NYC was sick with this "hoax" three weeks ago. A young healthy woman, she was very ill and is just starting to feel better. Trump is either an idiot or he lied, because this virus must have been spreading in the population for weeks, if not months.

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When it comes to Donnie, it's usually "idiot AND liar"

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This is probably the only time in my life when being an introvert/loner type comes in handy. I've had my bass lesson online, a phone call appt. with my pain Dr., and a have an online appt. with my therapist this afternoon. Talking to and seeing someone online is weird to me. It's like they're there, but they're not. I hope this isn't the new normal. I only go out to get my morning caffeine. Mr. 798's been working from home, too.

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