I think this is misleading. With the shooting if that Black teenager, that white twenty something, that party in Alabama, and all the various schools we are being led to think there's a problem with guns- but think about the media bias at work here.We wouldn't be hearing about these things if the media didn't insist on talking about them. So maybe that's how we can look to deal with this- accept that the real problem is noticing.

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That’s one if the first thing I was told when I got hired at Woolworths. If you see someone you think is shoplifting tell security. Do not approach them yourself.

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And if he’d hit anyone else who just happened to be in the vicinity? Would that also count as standing your ground?

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This is excellent Trump-era logic.

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PlayStation 5 is pretty rad I hear.

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Just an innocent person on the wrong ground and the wrong time i guess

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Even security is taught not to actively restrain or chase off property. Engage LEO if available, if not seek de-escalated verbal compliance, otherwise document and turn over to authorities for handling. If you really wanted to play LEO, then go become a LEO.

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I used to know a drug store "loss-prevention" security type. He was hired because that store (a Rite-Aid) was suffering from organized shoplifting. As a matter of fact, cosmetics were often targeted, the thieves would just fill a cart and flee.

He was a violent fatass who told me that he got into that work for the opportunity to beat people up. His greatest frustration was that he was too fat and slow to catch and beat up the thieves. This being California, he was not allowed to carry a gun.

He eventually got a similar job at a nearby Walmart, which presumably gave him better opportunities to actually catch up with shoplifters. Presumably, if he wasn't so fat he would have become a cop, which would have been much "better" opportunity to be violent.

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Eh. Stuff like this would have been national news at any time. Yet we did not get so many stories then, but we are now. Like all the pandemic stories of bad behavior on airplanes when they resumed operations, it probably denotes a real surge in everyday anger becoming violent...because, like then, the Right is normalizing it.

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Walgreens has their own steal from customers program. Google ‘Walgreens in Wisconsin/weights and measures fines.’ They've been fined multiple times for overcharging customers (price at register rings up higher than price on shelf snd/or advertised price). If it’s a nationwide practice, it’s almost RICO level crime. But, being corporate, they just say ‘oops.’

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I have an X Box. I would also like a Play Station.

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Something tells me Walgreens has a strict policy against employees carrying firearms at work, especially by untrained, non securty staff

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It sounds like Nashville has found its next Police Academy cadet!

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They'll now be the next Rottenhouse and be invited on Tucker anyway.

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The pregnant shoplifting suspect might just win if she sues Walgreens.

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