"Really, Mr. Pharmacyst: You won't hand me my medicine because God is telling you not to? That's odd, because I thought God was speaking to me right now and telling me to cut your dick off. How can God be speaking to both of us at the same time? No one can understand the power of God, you say, so it's completely plausible that he was speaking to both of us at the same time? Good, I'm glad you're OK with what he's telling me to do."

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Yeah: 3 Corinthians, Larry, Moe, and Curly.

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Before Plan B was moved to the over the counter shelf , it was sold in the pharmacy without a prescription . This is so it wouldn't be sold to those under 18. As a pharmacist, I had a mother tell me her 15 year old daughter had unprotected sex. I told her , I would give the medication to my daughter if that happened and didn't need to know who she was buying it for. For every asshole pharmacist like those in the story , there are 20 that think more like me. By the way, the pharmacist did not follow company policy and pass the script off to another pharmacist as he should have. { I worked for Walgreens and knew the policy}

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As someone who lives in New Mexico, on behalf of my fellow citizens of New Mexico, I would like to formally apologize for that douche canoe of a troglodyte. I will never understand people who take a position at a job, knowing full well that that there are situations where they will refuse certain tasks of said position. That jackass of a pharmacist needs to learn that religious freedom DOES NOT give him the right to practice discrimination. I hope that when this goes to court (because it will!), he will be the one paying the majority of the monetary compensation to the victim of his discriminatory practices.

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What? Pines need love too!

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And roses, too!

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This jerk is licensed as a professional pharmacist. He should lose that license. Maybe not incidentally, the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy is having phone problems...

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Oh, G:FY, I'm not familiar with those verses... King James version?

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Ah the mythical soros weed

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An oldie but a goodie:http://www.flowerhorne.com/...

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“If Christ were here there is one thing he would not be—a Christian.”― Mark Twain, Notebook

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How right would it be if the conversation was aborted (SWIDT?) thusly:Parent: An IUD for my daughter, please.Pharmacist: She's a little young, don't you think?Parent: How about you do your fucking job and mind your own fucking business?

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Why hasn't the pharmacist name and the address of the pharmacy been made public? The pharmacist & the pharmacy have no expectations of privacy, they deal with the public 24/7!

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Repeat after me: It. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter.Fill the script. Lather, rinse, repeat. Unless there's a chance the prescription you're filling is in some way dangerous (like you know the patient is allergic to penicillin 'cause she's a regular customer), you don't need to know shit about biology to count pills or hand over a boxed item.

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Pro tip: people whose religious beliefs prohibit them from eating pork should not work in pork processing plants. People whose religious beliefs prohibit them from eating beef should not work in McDonalds. And so forth. Don't come to work and lecture me why you can't do the job you're being paid to do because your religion forbids it, because I'll tell you to go fuck yourself.

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