That's the one!

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Close, but Chichikovovich has it.

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Somehow I doubt Jesus would be giving speeches on the theme of <em>leave the rich aloooooooooooooone</em>, either.

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Pitchforks only allowed if accompanied by a competent torch.

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One of the most destructive myths in the American psyche is also, unfortunately, one of the most deep-rooted especially among the right: the myth that we all get what we deserve, and deserve what we get - that the rich all deserve to be rich and the poor all deserve to be poor.

This is then drives the assumption that if you are rich, you must be a superior person, and if poor, a feckless loser (except <em>me</em> - the sole exception to the deserving poor is <em>meeeeeee</em> because I'm gonna strike it rich any moment now you'll see).

So, no matter what part we can see this administration's policies have played in securing the wealth of the rich, they'll always believe that's irrelevant and they're rich because they deserve to be. Once you understand this, it becomes easy to see why they're all butthurt that we're not swooning at their feet.

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It's not exactly a high bar, is it?

I think a single instance of questioning for a moment whether those guys are, in fact, truly Gods would probably qualify.

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That sounds really good in Obama's voice in my head.

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Why just yesterday I saw a Plutocrat arrested on his own front porch (of his fourth mansion) while the driver removed his many Louis Vuitton suitcases from the trunk, because the butler was a little delayed coming to open the door on account of the car elevator being a little slow coming up from the sub-subbasement and heaven forfend that he have to perform the manual labor of operating a door handle himself.

It's OK though, he and the cop worked it out over a Dom Perignon '75 and some beluga caviar.

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<blockquote>Luntz needs to motor boat Ann Rmoney...for the lulz. </blockquote>

What, and stop motorboating Grover Norquist's ass?

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Here's a thing.

Let's say you own an S-corporation and are thus a "jerb creator" with some vague kind of relationship to personal tax rates.

As you very rightly point out, employee compensation comes out of pre-tax gross. The marginal cost to the owner, therefore, of hiring a new employee is <em>reduced</em> by increasing their marginal tax rate.

In other words, if there is <em>any</em> effect of tax rates on jobs, higher taxes = more jobs.

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What the fuck is that? I'm afraid to click on anything.

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Hold up, we can do that? Long bus ride to NYC for me, but worth it

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When did our rich turn into such delicate pansies? You know, in the old days - say, back when the top tax rate was nearing 90% - the rich were a much tougher breed.

Say, that suggest something ...

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Thank you. You nailed it like College Barack's Brut sarong!

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