And what's this about "securing the blessings of liberty"? Secured? Like in a prison? Liberty must be free! Get your government hands off my liberty!

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So cometh the apocalypse.

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Let's start by privatizing the military and see how that works. I know we employ hundreds of thousands of contractors, private military forces, and so on but let's really just turn the Pentagon and the Defense Department into a business. If it makes a profit it can expand or pay a dividend. If it doesn't then it's not sustainable and deserves to go bankrupt.

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More powerful arguments devoid of facts to be parroted tomorrow by those stalwarts of intellectual consistency on AM radio. And yet somehow, despite the intellectual superiority of their ideas, isn't it odd the conservatives chief spokespeople, occupying the pinnacle of early 20th century technology, are a bunch of college drop outs?

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Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Coming soon to a country near you!

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Now that Mitt (and Rupert) have figured out how the economy of Kobol works, it might be time for them to go run the place.

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Daniel Dildo Henninger apparently forgot that when he fills his Mercedes with gasoline which he pays for from his private economy, he pays a tax so he can have a safe road from Wall Street to the Hamptons which was built by the public economy. Condescending goat fucker.

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Guess which one is winning?

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That's just the fraction they haven't offshored yet.

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2 words to consider.

Murdock. Publication.

Do with it what you will.

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And what's this about "securing the blessings of liberty"? Secured? Like in a prison? Liberty must be free! Get your government hands off my liberty!

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So cometh the apocalypse.

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Let's start by privatizing the military and see how that works. I know we employ hundreds of thousands of contractors, private military forces, and so on but let's really just turn the Pentagon and the Defense Department into a business. If it makes a profit it can expand or pay a dividend. If it doesn't then it's not sustainable and deserves to go bankrupt.

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More powerful arguments devoid of facts to be parroted tomorrow by those stalwarts of intellectual consistency on AM radio. And yet somehow, despite the intellectual superiority of their ideas, isn't it odd the conservatives chief spokespeople, occupying the pinnacle of early 20th century technology, are a bunch of college drop outs?

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Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Coming soon to a country near you!

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Now that Mitt (and Rupert) have figured out how the economy of Kobol works, it might be time for them to go run the place.

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