How fortunate that Mr. Strayton is clearly showing how he's composed entirely of anus! DIG IN EVERYONE

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It's only "Class Warfare" when not-rich folks do it. Like if you were to shame a wealthy person for his overwrought terrible Nazi analogies comparing taxation to concentration camps. THAT is class warfare and it is terrible and you should be ashamed, you brutes!

It is NOT class warfare when you propose something that by all measurements woud further drive people into the underclass. No, this is Sensible Editorial Content, published in Respectable Business Periodicals.

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To believe this is to believe that all normal economic rules no longer apply. SURE! WHY NOT!

We've already tried <i>More McJobs,</i> asswipe. We call those the Bush Years. Trickle up sure as shit did not happen.

We've already tried indentured servitude and we've tried "Company Stores." We've gone through eras without minimum wage. Also child labor, and zero protections for workers.

"Exploitation" hasn't fucking changed. It's not stylish or hip or new. Just because you 1%ers think average people are too distracted by Twitter fights, free pornography, and pervasive FOX wingnut-flavored media that influences far too many numbnuts to nod in agreement, that you can just float some editorial "Gosh, why don't we try some good old Exploitation again, hmm, what say you?"

Can we call these retrograde 1%-er calls to undo everything "Pitchforkian Economics?"

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Did this post get cut off before the quote where he tells us all to eat cake?

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I'm in.

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If a $5 minimum wage is a good idea what about a $1 one?

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in Gin and Regan memorabilia.

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Did anyone check the date on his work? Maybe it's from 1975.

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For 5$/hr?

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Already happening:

accepting payments for the privilege of work = unpaid internship

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I'm actually looking into a leasing option. You know, that way I can diversify my love across multiple industrial sectors and maximize my revenue.

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I'm betting Jamie Dimon's $20M will trickle up far more effectively than the poors minimum wage. Let Dimon and his pals work for five bucks an hour and maybe they won't have any extra time to crash the stock markets again.

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By their own reasoning, shouldn't CEO salaries be reduced?

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Do rich people <i>want</i> us to hate them?

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What. The. Actual. Fuck. I got your trickle right here, buddy.

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These kinds of deductions should be labeled Butthole Economics because of the source.

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