I suppose we won't be hearing your story on FUX News anytime soon. So I'll give you a warm hazzah and a well done.

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WSJ’s Jeffrey Sparshott escaped from being a bosun’s mate in a C.S. Forrester novel long enough to inform us that

Dok, it's the little things like this that Wonkette so much more than a mommy-war blog for a vile snark mob who aren't allowed to comment. Thank you.

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I suppose since the poors probably had their income increase from spending less on health care that it really doesn’t count. Now if it was the 1%...

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The very picture of the modern English major blogger.

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And all this time I thought it was just to spite the Kenyan Muslim Usurper whatever we are calling him this week President that they didn't elect. Also, did you know he's black ? Therfore nothing good can come of it.

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The C S Forrester is the ocean going, self depreciating model with a complicated wind powered engine that allows for heroic manuevering but leaves the driver internally conflicted about his ability to drive. (also I originally confused him with E M Forster so I'm not a reliable sales person here.)

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That's because he's fork-split.

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And he's ever so familiar with Monty Python and Firesign Theatre. *swoon*

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In my case (not one of the poors thankfully) I did my duty and looked into MNCare. While I don't qualify for a subsidies I can reduce my insurance costs. The reduction I was looking at, for what I believed was an equivalent policy, didn't warrant the hassle of changing. Plus, comparing policies is truly a nightmare. For example, just try to find out how much it will cost for a penis enlargement not that I'm looking mind you.

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