Also, he has a name that sounds like "Osama", too.

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Unharmed? Well who the hell did that job on her face?

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Pam Geller?

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Fuck these "wrong-side-of-history" kinds of people -- Shitbag-Americans, if you want to be politically correct -- like Carol E. Lee, think that their little guttersnipey screeds can simply undo positive, by sharting out a blast of negative.

Go try to do something positive yourself, cunt. You know, like build up your side? Yeah, I know, right!? Like, what are you going to do, sing the praises of Donald Trump's pursed anus lips? Explain the positive aspects of unexpected napping brought on from Pawlenty exposure?

Poor butthurt Shitbag-Americans. Sucks to be you.

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Damn, Wall Street Journal, just call him an un-American traitor already and stop beating around the bush.

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I feel your pain. PsycWench has been giving and grading final exams for the last few workdays, and fielding the occasional plantive email.

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Here's a bit of trivia. During Sunday's raid, bin Laden's sentry was not at his post. Had he been diligent in his duty, bin Laden and the others in the compound could have mounted a better defense or even escaped. Plus, it turns out, the Pakistani Intelligence Service sent him a text message -- "U.S. determined to attack bin Laden". Apparently he didn't see the message because he was reading "My Pet Goat" (which tells an entirely different story in Pakistan). Lucky break for us.

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Aw, screw you. Go wild, Carol! HAVE THE HEAVILY SALTED ONES!

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Once again a wingnut takes an unfortunate gambol down analogy lane and, once again, steps on a rake and gives them self a black eye.

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But will Obama invite George W. Bush, the person who dismissed the report that bin Laden would attack in the United States, the person who said bin Laden wasn't a concern to him any more, and the person who allowed the group designated to find bin Laden to be shut down (briefly) in 2006, to join him at Ground Zero?

Maybe he should invite Bill Clinton, who tried to kill bin Laden and had his advisers brief the incoming Bush people on how dangerous bin Laden was?

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but ... but ...<i>Mr. Obama has been a controversial figure ...</i> to Carol!

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to be fair to carol e. lee, balrogs were under-represented at the WSJ.

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<i>where she will ask Obama a series of riddles if he ever wishes to see that part of the United States for himself.</i>

what has it got in its pocketses?

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