Just waiting until he starts accusing everyone in the White House of burning toast in the Oval Office. Woodrow Wilson redux.

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We cannot depend on the media, the talking heads and even the FBI is corrupt. We are truly screwed. His rabid cult will never believe anything negative about Dear Leader no matter how unAmerican or outrageous. I am so angry I can't even. No one should watch Celebrity Apprentice but we need to boycott and write letters to the advertisers so it sinks.

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Hi Anna! I was asking about you so it's good to see you. BTW my name is just like yours only backwards. : ) Also, too, Snoopy is my favorite beagle right after Otis the penguin. Yep, I'm easily amused.

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The WSJ editor is judging Trump by the George Constanza standard: It's not a lie if Trump believes it.

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So the press aren't going to call his lies lies... At least that portion read by True American Patriots of American Patriotness.

So all he has to say is he built the wall, and it will exist, whether it is there or not. Have you just elected a mentalist?

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I have Snoopy slippers! I meant Opus the penguin but I mean well lol.

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No, the US elected a 'mental defective'.

Have a great day!

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Now that you realize how screwed we are, thank a Bernie supporter for causing Der Trumpenfuhrer to be elected through Sen Sanders' lies and hypocrisy.

Have a great day!

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Happy New Year Anna! I'm glad to see your back. I've asked after you a few times.

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I realized it on Election Day. Confidence was high for Hillary. I don't think anyone thought trump could actually win. I was a Bernie supporter until the convention and then made the change to Clinton supporter. I take it you mean the BoBs and I agree with you there. I just didn't believe that there were that many idiots that would vote for that creep. I was wrong and I've been angry and unable to sleep since 11/9.

Have a great evening!

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But what obscure luxury car?

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It's a sad day when the Editor-in-Chief of the Wall Street Journal comes out in favor of bald-faced lying. Er, did I say sad? I meant inevitable.

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As a daily reader of the WSJ--yes, I know,but it is the only decent paper I can get delivered out in the woods where I live--though the editorial pages were always conservative, since the Rupert takeover it has been the house organ of Cato, American Enterprise Institute and other right wing think tanks. They have been totally in the tank for Trump since he was the nominee and I expect that Rupert will profit greatly for his allegiance to Trump

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I totally think Trump will bomb the Mars Colony and frame Sheridan as a Minbari Manchurian Candidate.

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The way this man was treated is a national embarrassment. Disgraceful.

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But Trump doesn't lie, that's what separates him from Clinton. Trump simply says things that he knows are false and/or he otherwise doesn't mean.

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