>> "...everyone involved with its writing, editing and publication should be marched naked through the streets of New York while actual journalists line the sidewalks and pelt them with garbage."
The one thing Biden has done as president that I fault him for is making nice with MBS, knowing full well that MBS ordered the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Thinking about that fist bump still makes me furious.
I love how the Trumpmonkeys are making a big deal that Hunter and Joe talked on speaker phone while other people were with the former having dinner or drinks roughly 20 TIMES. They don't mention Archer's testimony that the two of them spoke on the phone every day after Beau died, and that it was 20 times OVER 10 YEARS, or once every six months.
Mofo's will be mofo's. I gave up on New York papers 40 years ago. I lived on a dairy once and one of the important jobs was spreading manure and that's all I can think of from these elite media sites. Trump has turned them all into fucking idiots, that should be his new title, Idiot Maker Par Excellence.
No doubt Hunter Biden and Jared are both sleazeballs, but then again, most (if not all) highly influential people have some sleazeball relation who is gonna try to leverage their ties to them. And, of course, the opposition is gonna make hay of it.
I completely love the article above, right from the bit in the headline that says "Unlike Paragon of Ethics Jared Kushner."
I particularly love the bit in the text about Shokin and Burisma. It's spot on. Joe Biden did not call for Shokin to be dismissed in his capacity as dad to a screwed-up and rather unscrupulous son (whom he nevertheless evidently loves, as Dad Trump does not love Don Junior and Eric). He did it as Vice President of the U.S. and an instrument of U.S. government policy. The U.S. wasn't alone in wanting Shokin gone. The World Bank wanted him gone. The IMF wanted him gone. The European Union wanted him gone. Various anti-corruption movements in Ukraine itself wanted him gone. Shokin's own Deputy Prosecutor General resigned in protest over the rampant corruption in the department - about which Shokin was doing NOTHING.
Final proof that Shokin was useless and lazy, if not corrupt himself? Donald Trump described him as "very good" and "a tough prosecutor."
Here's an extra rant: Drumpf's first efforts to dredge this up were early in the Dem primary. The only way the timing makes sense if he was expecting to turn the the Bernie crowd against Biden. That makes everything else a contingency of a contingency
That is exactly how George W Bush got ahead in his early career of digging dry holes in Texas. As son of the VP and then sitting President, he found a lot of business 'partners' who shovelled money his way for no discernible results in terms of what he claimed to be doing. And did the WSJ report on that back then?
Not to mention how the Qataris bailed out Kushner’s $1.8 billion stake in 666 Fifth Ave (yes, the satanic Jared Kushner owns a building with the address 666) that was going down the proverbial bankruptcy toilet because Kushner executed the classic idiot strategy of buying high and selling low. Kushner’s business deal was circling the drain in 2019, with no saviors in sight (because no one wanted to put money into one of the stupidest NY real estate deals of all time), when a Canadian investment firm with Qatari money swooped in to save him. No influence peddling here, for sure. But don’t forget that Hunter Biden had a laptop with dick pics!!?
I seem to remember Daddy threatening to name the country, home to our mideast command, a terrorist state (with the unspoken, "If you don't pony up for the kid.")
“Hunter knew that he was only selling an illusion of influence,” not actual influence like Jared.
And then there’s the price tag: Hunter is alleged to have minted millions, we know Jared received billions. That’s like paying Stephen $1 but paying Evan $1,000.
If you want to keep it to blood relatives, what about all those Chinese patents Ivanka got. Sure helped being a White House employee for that one, I'm sure.
WSJ opinion section has become a print version of #NewsForDumbFox
>> "...everyone involved with its writing, editing and publication should be marched naked through the streets of New York while actual journalists line the sidewalks and pelt them with garbage."
I'd pay to see that.
Come on Wonkette, you naive fools. Everyone knows what "discussing the weather" really means.
Nudge nudge, wink wink.
The one thing Biden has done as president that I fault him for is making nice with MBS, knowing full well that MBS ordered the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Thinking about that fist bump still makes me furious.
They hired the guy because of who his father was.
That is what the dude was saying. And whining that nothing came of it, I might add.
I love how the Trumpmonkeys are making a big deal that Hunter and Joe talked on speaker phone while other people were with the former having dinner or drinks roughly 20 TIMES. They don't mention Archer's testimony that the two of them spoke on the phone every day after Beau died, and that it was 20 times OVER 10 YEARS, or once every six months.
Mofo's will be mofo's. I gave up on New York papers 40 years ago. I lived on a dairy once and one of the important jobs was spreading manure and that's all I can think of from these elite media sites. Trump has turned them all into fucking idiots, that should be his new title, Idiot Maker Par Excellence.
Murdoch owns WSJ. Just saying.
To borrow a line from the late and sorely missed Pee Wee Herman: "I know you are but what am I?"
No doubt Hunter Biden and Jared are both sleazeballs, but then again, most (if not all) highly influential people have some sleazeball relation who is gonna try to leverage their ties to them. And, of course, the opposition is gonna make hay of it.
I'll raise a can of Billy Beer to that.
I completely love the article above, right from the bit in the headline that says "Unlike Paragon of Ethics Jared Kushner."
I particularly love the bit in the text about Shokin and Burisma. It's spot on. Joe Biden did not call for Shokin to be dismissed in his capacity as dad to a screwed-up and rather unscrupulous son (whom he nevertheless evidently loves, as Dad Trump does not love Don Junior and Eric). He did it as Vice President of the U.S. and an instrument of U.S. government policy. The U.S. wasn't alone in wanting Shokin gone. The World Bank wanted him gone. The IMF wanted him gone. The European Union wanted him gone. Various anti-corruption movements in Ukraine itself wanted him gone. Shokin's own Deputy Prosecutor General resigned in protest over the rampant corruption in the department - about which Shokin was doing NOTHING.
Final proof that Shokin was useless and lazy, if not corrupt himself? Donald Trump described him as "very good" and "a tough prosecutor."
And Jackie Collins novels are great literature.
The IMF wanted him gone.
The Impossible Mission Force wanted him gone? And Jim Phelps *wasn't* able to handle it? I am shook.
Even Ethan Hunt was like, “I got nuthin’…”
Here's an extra rant: Drumpf's first efforts to dredge this up were early in the Dem primary. The only way the timing makes sense if he was expecting to turn the the Bernie crowd against Biden. That makes everything else a contingency of a contingency
That is exactly how George W Bush got ahead in his early career of digging dry holes in Texas. As son of the VP and then sitting President, he found a lot of business 'partners' who shovelled money his way for no discernible results in terms of what he claimed to be doing. And did the WSJ report on that back then?
Murdoch didn't own WSJ until 2007.
It stank to high heaven before Murdoch showed them the way to yet deeper circles of Hell.
I wouldn't argue with that!
Not to mention how the Qataris bailed out Kushner’s $1.8 billion stake in 666 Fifth Ave (yes, the satanic Jared Kushner owns a building with the address 666) that was going down the proverbial bankruptcy toilet because Kushner executed the classic idiot strategy of buying high and selling low. Kushner’s business deal was circling the drain in 2019, with no saviors in sight (because no one wanted to put money into one of the stupidest NY real estate deals of all time), when a Canadian investment firm with Qatari money swooped in to save him. No influence peddling here, for sure. But don’t forget that Hunter Biden had a laptop with dick pics!!?
I seem to remember Daddy threatening to name the country, home to our mideast command, a terrorist state (with the unspoken, "If you don't pony up for the kid.")
MTG has them saved to her phone now. And she's the one complaining about pornography. So, they must be ok then.
“Hunter knew that he was only selling an illusion of influence,” not actual influence like Jared.
And then there’s the price tag: Hunter is alleged to have minted millions, we know Jared received billions. That’s like paying Stephen $1 but paying Evan $1,000.
If you want to keep it to blood relatives, what about all those Chinese patents Ivanka got. Sure helped being a White House employee for that one, I'm sure.
Glad I don’t spend any money on a WSJ subscription
The WSJ makes me thankful that there are paywalls.
Right? 🤣
Oh, just fuck the billionaire parasite lackeys of the WSJ. Fuck them all.