Yeah, but it wasn't a Sandy or a Katrina or whatever the fuck it was that blew through Illinois.

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"David Brooks isn't a bloviating shitsack. Oh, wait, he is."

- bobbert

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here is a thing i read today that i can only remark: 'gross america, just gross'. debtor's prisons. <a href="http://www.economist.com/ne..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21589...">http://www.economist.com/ne...

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Here's what eleven fucking years at fucking Wal-Mart gets you: <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/demos\/walmart-budget_b_4302940.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/demos/walmart-budge...">http://www.huffingtonpost.c...

If you're a .1%-er with a million in Wal-Mart stock, they'll pay you more in (tax-advantaged) dividends than they pay their workers.

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Everone knows you shouldn't visit on children the sins of their parents -- but few realize that we do get to visit on parents the sins of their children.

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No, Ken would gives us ALL the links, and then tell us we're all fat sinners. Oh, and Obama is morally weak.

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A couple of places where I worked had things similar to this. Food, water, even shelter (we were allowed to camp out in our offices if we needed) were made available during times of emergency. During the Ice Storm of 1998, I found that the 5 gallon jug of water came in very handy when there was none to be found at the stores. (our boss drove down to MA to pick up a van load). Things like this occurred during ice storms, hurricanes, massive power failures...not things like Thursday.

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Feed them cake!!! Nevermind that iffin ole Sammy Walton's welps would give up just 1 days worth of profit a year every employee they have could be earning nough so theys would not need the grub stubs from Ole Sammy Gubmint.Course iffin you did that how would The Waltons get those subsidized workers. Night John Boy

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I'm thinking this is a scam,as sorry of an operation as Wal-Mart is, it would not suprise me if they just restock the items back on the shelf and resale using the logic hey if we can make double on everything we can give you a few pennies raise then you can buy your own food.But you must remember once you recieve a raise you must chip in by contributing to the food drive yourself so we can do it all over again.If you all contribute $20 worth a week we will give you a $5 a week raise sounds good right.

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Coal mining companies perfected this a century ago ... Wal-Mart is late to the game.

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Mmmm - crab legs for everyone!

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Given that their front yards are probably on the order of 50 acres, getting noticed might be a problem.

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Promoted to what? Greeter 3rd class?

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Average in what the Waltons make, and everyone is a millionaire!

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Wal-Mart is doing a fantastic job of combating obesity among their workforce . . . why is everybody giving them such a hard time about it?

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