The pool their resources and then have a lottery to decide who gets to eat a meal this week.

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Pot luck was how we did every office party when I worked for the state. We never used public money to pay for our extras. We never stuck the taxpayers with a bill for anything like that.

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My father mowed his own lawn himself with a push mower right up into his eighties. The last time was about a month before he died. I learned at a very tender age how to climb a ladder and scrape and paint the trim on a two-storey house. When I tell people that now they act like I am describing something from the Third World.

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Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?

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Let's talk about that cranberry sauce. Lots of added sugar. It will raise your glucose levels. Yet it's healthy for you. Walmart also sells cranberries. No added sugar. Lot more healthy than the can. So what does walmart do with the healthier product? It sends it back to the producer. Instead of walking the cranberries over to the freezer section and sell cranberries all year round. It incurs more cost instead of providing a healthier product for it's customers. They probably have a contract that says they can send them back after a certain time. That way they can sell the less nuturious more expensive item. The customer will keep buying until they end up in the hospital for diabetes.

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Eventually, though, a federal court ruled that this was simply a scheme to avoid paying the minimum wage, and he was ordered to pay his workers the accumulated sums he owed them, plus a double-time penalty thrown in for good measure.

Wal-Mart cut the checks, but Walton also summoned the employees at a major cluster of his stores to a meeting. "I'll fire anyone who cashes the check," he told them.

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Lets hope that they get visited by 3 spirits. I even made up a girl named Grace Walton, who's a flaming liberal, in fact she might even be a bit communist. She's the exact opposite of her parents. I wish she was real, I'd be really nice to see a Walton building a soup kitchen, protesting for higher wages, and helping poor people for once. Her nickname is Gracie, but it's normally said as "Gracie Grace." Speaking of Wal-Mart, I can't wait until the minimum wage gets raised!

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I am so glad that my family doesn't work at Wall Mart!

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Don't understand mr Michael Moore. One Time trump is an idiot and hillary is the best and next he switches position....

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Maybe you don't understand him because you weren't listening to a single thing he ever said.

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I think it is a shame that a business owner is expected to give anything. As with the majority of jobs, you are told what salary you will work for and you either agree to the wage or you keep looking for another job. What is a fair minimum wage? If you were the business owner, who worked your way up and had the success of Sam Walton, I fear the majority of these readers would have another opinion. It is so easy to say what someone else should or should not do.

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You fail to realize that for most people there aren't other, better-paying jobs available. We don't get to just refuse to take a job until something better turns up, because we have to eat in the meantime. The workers have to take the wages that are offered, even if that means accepting insultingly low wages, because it is better than nothing. The employers know this, so they don't have to provide competitive wages. As you yourself put it, "it is so easy to say what someone else should or should not do." And here you are saying other people should be satisfied with a minimum wage that does not even provide them with enough money to feed themselves. Why don't you try imagining the perspective of millions of working people rather than getting us to see the perspective of Sam Walton.

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Start your own business if you don't like the one you work for. Sure, walmart could pay more, but if that was legislated, the local diner would also have to pay more. Just as Walmart put main street out of business, a goverment mandated wage hike would put most of what remains out of business.

Walmart is low-skilled work, folks. You wouldn't find a plumber or carpenter working for those rates.

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Walmart employees are eligible for food stamps and medicaid. We pay for that. Why should we taxpayers have to pay for a billionaires' employees healthcare and food stamps?

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34 years of trickling. THANKS RONNIE!

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These donation bins are Made in America® right? Right??

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