Uh... you'd need to be a bit more specific than that. Where do you get that from? For what kind of illness?

There was a time in history (patented 1898) when heroin was to be thought to be less addictive than morphine and actually sold to people to help with the morphine addiction. So sure, historically I am sure shrinks used opiates for all kinds of things, cause heroin had about 40 indications when it came on the market. Doctors thought it was good idea to prescribe it for about EVERYTHING at that time. It just didn't last long.

I am not really aware of any common usage in modern psychiatry, but psychiatry is by no means my specialty. Having a chronic pain disorder of any kind can lead to depression and therefore to also needing a shrink and antidepressants, so a patient like that might also take opiates but not for the mental condition. Certain antidepressants also enhance the effectiveness of the pain medication. Then there is neurological diseases that can also end up with the patient suffering from excruciating pain and needing complex pain medication including opiates (neuropathic pain is the hardest to treat, really), but neurology is it's own field.

Last, but not least, and this is actually a psychiatric field, there is substitution therapy for addicts with Methadone, which is an opiate (Apparently called Methadone maintenance therapy in the US). You mentioned how dangerous going cold turkey is yourself. Some addicts never manage to wean themselves of the Methadone however, so they stay in the program forever, relapsing and remitting. It's just a whole lot better than the alternative: infections (HIV for example) and abscesses from unclean needles or sharing needles, taking impure, dangerous drugs, criminality to get the money to pay for the drugs, the risk of overdosing etc.

My nursing education is based out of germany, so i guess i would have to look into opiate prescriptions by american shrinks to really answer your question.

A quick google trip came up with Buphrenorphine, which is a bit of an odd opiate cause unlike others it has a ceiling effect (you can read up on that on wikipedia if you are interested). In the USA it can be additionally prescribed as an antidepressant if all other regular antidepressants fail.. as an FDA approved last resort, if you will. In the EU that's not an approved indication.

Other than that, i've got nothing. I suppose there'd be no reason why a psychiatrists would not run a pill mill, except you'd think of all doctors they'd understand the most how devastating an addiction is. But if they are greedy bastards... well, what's to stop them? :)

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I've been there. It's really cool.

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I absolutely love this program!

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Lookit all the white dudes.

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Whores Libelz

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Greed always ruins things for everybody.

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While this is outrageous and all, the reality is that even if prosecuted, Wal-Mart would pay an impressive sounding but financially meaningless fine

It's not like they'd get a meaningful punishment like making Wal-Mart executives have to live a couple of years working as a cashier at the Wal-Mart in Grundy,Virginia on a Wal-Mart cashier income and no savings allowed

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I wish I could say that I was surprised by any of this.

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Corporations cannot poison Americans with impunity.

History says different.

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The opioid crisis is inside the White House.



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In case anyone needs a refresher on the "Hank" reference, Hank was Melania's sidepiece at Trump Tower. He's the reason she didn't move to the WH right away.

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Me, too. Walmart can kiss my union ass.

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It's like history never happened with him. I truly can't even.

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Most pharmacists know more about drugs than most doctors. Also, it was mentioned in the article some scripts came from 'pill mills.'

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Pisto told a funny!!!!

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Huh. You'd think that intentionally murdering your customers would be bad for business.

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