For the last ten years the GOP has had more loose screws than Hugh Hefner.

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When nothing happens, they'll congratulate themselves that the State Guard (probably untrained gun nut militiamen) saved them. And mass gun ownership!

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Neverthess Independent Texas would be every bit as prosperous as Bourkina Faso.

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I bet the state guard is praying VERY hard that this is just a routine thing. Because think about it: One state guard versus the combined forces of the US military.sorta like like Bambi meets Godzilla

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Start their own stores? Capitalistically?

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... I saw how this turns out in The Simpsons Season 6 Episode 25 – Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)...

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Walmart is just covering. I knew them carrying all that Duck Dynasty stuff was just for distracting good 'Muricans from the Kenyan Usurper's plot of World Homosexualization. He's just sneaky like that.

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If you think the president can just wave his big Magic Negro Ray of Chocolate Mojo and declare martial law, you really don't understand how your government works - but then again that's not even a little bit surprising given a sitting US senator such as Ted Cruz apparently doesn't understand how the very government he is part of works either.


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They will be taking the boat from Miami to Cuba, our new 51st state. Thanks, Obummer!!!11!!

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I hear they work for scale there.

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That may have been the finest commentary on this whole ridiculous situation .

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I see what you did there. Nice!

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That's kind of adorable. http://theconversation.com/...

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Sarah Palin turkey libel.

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... and when people start a-thinkin', that's when fevered imaginations run wild. Rational people hear this story and realize that a global corporation with multi-billion dollar resources doesn't shutter (presumed) profitable stores for 6 months due to "plumbing problems". It is much more reasonable to believe that would be the time frame required to replace all the staff let go, and who just happened to coincidentally be asking for a raise and/or the right to unionize.

No reason to subscribe to any theory other than that.

Then again... Texass, so... nevermind.

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