"Remember, Work makes you free, just like the Walmart posters say."

It sounded better in the original German.

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These are not real WalMart workers because they have all of their teeth. Must be union actors with some type of insurance.

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The workplace safety videos are shorter than this from what I've heard.

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Upfist for gratuitous Darmok reference.

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No, fuck Wal-Mart.

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Meh. This is not really surprising from a southern based company really. Food Lion has this entire 5 minute of it's 10 minute intro speil all about the ills of unions and pretty sure Hobby Lobby claims unions are literally trying to holocoaust christians.

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wow.george orwell would totally approve.so union membership is down... cause freedom?was this a union video shoot - does sag/aftra know about this?you know - sag - the union that saint ronnie was president of?

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The horror! Having an organization speak for me and represent my interests, together with all other workers: Socialist Nightmare!

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No other store offers two girls for every boy.

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I remember that.

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As if I didn't need another reason to never step foot in a WalMart.

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after watching this video I thought I would click on WONKVILLE to see what was there. What was there? At the top of the page was an advertisement for Wal-Mart

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"Hmmm...Wal-Mart seem to really want to convince me that unions are bad. If someone is that eager to convince me of something, it's probably true." -no one, ever

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I was a Teamster at one point. I can never figure out what it is about unions that have people, especially women and minorities, in such an uproar. Where I worked, each job had a pay rate associated with it. If you did that job, you got that pay whether you were black, white, gay, female, male, fat, old, skinny, had pimples, or even if you liked country music. There were rules, and everyone played on a level field. Oh, gee, I'm starting to see the problem ಠ益ಠ

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"...multi-million-dollar businesses that make their money by convincing people like you and me to give them part of our paycheck." Sounds like the definition of.....Wal-Mart!

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There probably needs to be no cost passed onto consumers if walmart owners could accept being just millionaires rather than multi-millionaires.

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