Oh Michael.... I know that it's cruel when you're own flesh and blood lies to you, but.... just because you believe their version of history, doesn't make it true.
it is not a version of history - the Rebel Flag did not represent slavery. Of course you are welcome to rewrite history to represent your version- many do
The guy who invented the traitor flag said specifically that it represented the right of southerners to own slaves. The only oppressors and tyrants during that time period in the US were southern slave owners. I, too, had relatives who lived in the south and were poor, non-slave owning dirt farmers who went to war against their own country. Some of them died. Good! (with votes) They were traitors.
Leave poor Bush alone...bagger.
Nope. The CSA TRIED to secede and failed.
Robert E Lee wrote at length about how much his treason ate at him... but hey, don't let reality bother you and your love of the traitor flag.
Oh, and little bitch, do a little reading and find out just why now one was tried for treason. You might learn something...
Oh Michael.... I know that it's cruel when you're own flesh and blood lies to you, but.... just because you believe their version of history, doesn't make it true.
Of course they're shopping for Pop Tarts.
it is not a version of history - the Rebel Flag did not represent slavery. Of course you are welcome to rewrite history to represent your version- many do
You fapped to the ponies?
You mean you don't?
This frightens and confuses me.
The guy who invented the traitor flag said specifically that it represented the right of southerners to own slaves. The only oppressors and tyrants during that time period in the US were southern slave owners. I, too, had relatives who lived in the south and were poor, non-slave owning dirt farmers who went to war against their own country. Some of them died. Good! (with votes) They were traitors.
Who doesn't?
Obviously. you have been mis-informed.The oppressors & tyrants were the Northeners - that is why many considered it the War of Northern Aggression
If it was a war of Northern aggression....who was it that fired first again?
The Confederate states to defend against northern aggression
No wonder the Caliphate is back.
There should be a NSFW or NSFL warning before that picture is displayed.
>Then we'll know where to find all the guns, right comrades?
And the meth.