I'll pay a dollar for that!

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You know I can't say no to the adorbs-ness that is Tallulah and Donna Rose

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I hope you all respect my decision to invest as many dollars in the " surely we can do better than Boebert " movement as we can. Once I go from COBRA to a less ridiculous plan I'll see about donating to the Snark-A-Topia.

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I need money...so if I write a shit children's picture book and get an acceptable illustrator I can milk these right wing ass-holes too?

Wait I dont even need to find an illustrator. Bill O typed (notice i didn't use the verb "Wrote") a bunch of unbelievable crap that idiots bought.

I'm not ashamed to sell out to a lie. My sons are going to college soon. You can't buy a new toilet with pride eh?

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Racist propaganda is sooooo much better for little kids than seeing a boob. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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so... they were morons?Insert Blazing Saddles gif

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Ta, Rebecca. So glad I'm working and automatically donate every month.

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See, this is just another lying bastard who doesn't even care if anyone even believes the preposterous shit made up on the spot for the purpose of ensuring that fools and their money take divergent paths.

I know that was a long sentence but it's late and I'm tired. Going to bed now.

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Sent some money for the mommy blog. I'm enjoying the Sunday live chat. Thanks Robyn and SER!

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"Serf" seems accurate.

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Hi Editrix, you know I give monthly, also extra donations when you guilt me into it.

Quid pro quo, you ask? Yes. I would like to be named Wonkette's pro bono Poet Laureate. I wrote a poem just today, with hardly any cusses.

A Hex on Ali Alexander10/13/21

Stop your whining, Mr. Ali.I'll fly you up the tallest tree.Where you'll be lashed by wind and rain;Thunder, lightning, so you'll never againBe mean to us kind wiccans and witches,Or we'll scare you once more, 'til you shit yer britches.

I’m simmering up my hexing spices,So your GoFundMe grift will splinter in slices.

Lawyer up, you failed traitor, or else who knows? We’ll hex again, guadárse Dia de Los Muertos.

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Despite the heavy rolls we took over installing a new furnace system (just in time for the snow yesterday), we were able to scrape up some money for this here mommyblog.

Keep an eye on your mailbox for a card from the Empty Quarter of Nebraska.

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Gave extra on top of my regular contribution. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Serf'n Bird is the Word.

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