I'm not that tired, but i read "wildlife" as "midwife" and had a 'wut?' moment.

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We're a long way from perfect - we're currently dealing with a shitshow where the right-wing government is tearing itself apart trying to cater to its fringes. There is a by-election TODAY which is hopefully the beginning of the end. If nothing else, they HAVE to go to a general election next year and are likely to be wiped out. I can only hope.

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Cognitive Dissonant Republican Arguments:

Giving more money to the rich: Give them more money to solve our problems! It's worth it!

Giving more money to teachers (or anyone not +billionaire class): You're just throwing money at a problem. It's a complete waste!

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Not true, you are not prohibited from working and receiving benes.of ratings, either as a combined percentage or as the result of a single medical issue.

However, if the veteran is listed by the VA as being 100% unable to work under the Total Disability/Individual Unemployability rating, the veteran is not permitted to have “substantial gainful employment”. This is listed in the Code of Federal Regulations, but there is no comprehensive list describing what is considered “substantial gainful employment”.

Instead, the Code of Federal Regulations defines what it does not consider to be a violation of these rules; something called “marginal employment”. This is defined as follows:

…marginal employment generally shall be deemed to exist when a veteran’s earned annual income does not exceed the amount established by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, as the poverty threshold for one person.

Read more: https://militarybenefits.in...

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IMO guaranteed employment and universal basic income are both 100% guaranteed never to happen, but I agree that proposing them can have a useful role in framing the less ambitious proposals.

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Abigail Disney, IMHO, is in a unique position to understand why the middle-class should have money with which to buy stuff...if that happens, that's a lot of Disney Princess bedsheets, gowns, flamethrowers, etc sold.

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An island full of the descendants of ex-cons and lunatics, where the local wildlife includes spiders that will eat koala bears, but molest them first...bloody well right they're gonna do drugs and gamble!I kid, I kid...everything I hear about Oz, I think, "wow, they get it".

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Would you really have to have both?

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The entire bodice-ripper genre is basically rape porn, though Rand took it to an entirely new (and appalling) level.

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I prefer that steely-eyed glare she gave Rapey McBooferson when he kept dodging her questions, but YMMV.

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Now this is the real Disney princess. Thank you Abigail, I will share you everywhere I go.

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My point exactly, they have poisoned the economic well, and it will take a long time to purify it. However, a few successful efforts should have a beneficial effect. The $15/hr experiments should be bearing fruit.

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The Kochs have endowed too many universities' schools of Economics to do it instantly. They have infected policymakers at all levels who need to be rooted out or re-educated.

Democratic zillionaires need to start funding think tanks and foundations to compete with Heritage, Cato, and ALEC instead of wasting money on impeachment efforts.

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We can thank, among others, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

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believe it...bernie's a twit

and $3k still aint shit...$3k doesnt save lives, it merely painfully drags out the inevitable, whether it's prolonged illness or prolonged poverty, because when that $3k hits the hand, there are other hands that appear from nowhere to make a claim on it, legit or otherwise--i see it every day, it's part of my job

speaking of rich/outta touch...$1500 a month rent, really?--double what i pay (and i'm as average/median as it gets), and $3k remains aint shit, because you still have 10 months to go, then whaddaya do?--you keep slogging, just like the rest of us, to pay the rest, like i'd have to do to pay the rest o mine...the point is, it aint life-changing, for you or me, or anyone else

you probably think if you handed a homeless $3k, his life would be changed forever...sheeeeiiit...it wouldnt last a month, ebenezer--i watch people try to live on $750, (half of your rent payment) a month-- day after day, year after year, and $3k a year wouldnt do a fucking thing, it'd be gone and nothing changed and nothing left to remember it by but maybe a new tv (still no internet or cable), a new mattress, a pair of walmart nike knock-offs, and a hoodie

going big is do-able, it's the right thing to do, and even more importantly, it's a hearts/minds/votes winner...cowardly bone-tossing is nero W bush 'your $300 tax-check's-in-the-mail-suckers' republican-lite horshit, and you know what they say about 'muriccans when they have the choice between rep-lite and the real thing

ETA...and yes, i would love to have this converstion with kamala, or bernie, or beto, or any of the other new 'saviors', and tell them that a $3k bone-tossing wont do what they think it would do...people need sustained, secure income, or it's just another wish blown away with the wind

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