Pretty sure Louis XVI has been dead for a while now.


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Looks like a nice gig, but I'm only interested in covering rich people and their mansions if I'm embedded.

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i would do this job.

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If I got the job I would imagine the mansion owner interview going something like this…

MG “So, how many bathrooms does it have/” Rich Dude: “36 not including the pool, ha ha little joke there. You’re not going to print that are you?” MG “36! How many bathrooms can you pee in at a time? I mean, just the water in all those toilets could solve the drought problem in Ethiopia. Seriously, are you compensating for some physical deficiency and yes, I’m going to print that joke.” Rich Dude “You’re fired.”

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I installed the WSJ app on my phone because I apparently will "need" it for a class at some future point, and as usual I made the mistake of saying "sure, you can send me notifications!" when I initially opened it, so now I get little messages occasionally about things the WSJ thinks are real important.

Sadly though none of them have involved mansions! I will need to adjust my settings so I can be notified of such important items!

Excuse me, I think I'm going to start drinking early today.

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And how many have you screwed sexually and/or financially?

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not the Eastern Bloc illegals- because unpronounceable

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he phoned it in

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Lifestyles of the rich and navel gazing

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