Or the poor will take Rousseau's advice and invite the rich "for dinner".

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Be of good cheer. Once the Great Trump Depression takes hold, we will all be broke except for a handful of hyper-rich guys who will die of climate change.

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A womanizer, to be sure.

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"Look, my editor is riding my ass Every. Damn. Day about how I can't just point out Republicans are lying liars even if they are, I need to find some Democrats to point to so that we can say we're being Fair and Balanced™. So I'll grasp at whatever straws I can, thankyouverymuch."

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Elysium here we come!

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Other people care and don't lie and are younger with more accomplishments and better ideas. (Harris, Warren*, Beto, Castro at least).

*not much younger maybe, but WAY more accomplishments and better ideas

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Did you skip your nap? You sound crabby.

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Do you need a Sharpie to hereby order it?

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I used to think WaPo was significantly better than the NYfuckingT. I no longer think so.

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This looks like a longer version of a Trump message, it looks like someone needs to learn proper capitalization; "oligarchs" and "oligarchy" for one are not proper nouns, and so should not be capitalized unless they come at the beginning of a sentence. Neither should "capitalism", "finance", "State Violence", or "Entertainment-Personality-GameShow"; also "game show" is two words.

Also, a straw man is a ridiculous version of an opponents' argument; using it to refer to an actual conspiracy by Russian intelligence (ironically while pushing ridiculous conspiracies) to help put a fascist into the White House makes no sense at all. Not to mention that most of our corporate class supports Trump, the idea that they would want strong liberals like Harris or Buttigieg in office is laughable, and quite frankly sounds like the kind of argument you'd hear from effectively pro-Trump fake liberal purity troll like Matt Taibbi or Glenn Greenwald.

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Mean while, did you know nobody knew hurricanes could be Category 5 and one is on its way to Alabama?

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Bernie lacks that vibe you feel around used car or funeral home salesman. I'd buy a watch from him knowing what it may lack in glitz is made up for with knowing he isn't in it to just screw you.

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Ten years ago, I really, really hurt my knee in an accident when I fell through the open trapdoor to the basement of a bodega. I tore three ligaments, and had multiple tibial fractures. One of the happiest moments of my life, despite being in almost unbearable pain, was when the orthopedic surgeon, looking at the image from the MRI, said, "This is not a surgical case."

This incident ended up costing me $5,500. X-rays (useless), MRI, twice-weekly physical therapy (well worth the money), purchasing a TENS pack and hydrocollator so I could replicate PT at home, which I did twice daily along with all the exercises I was permitted to do, and many doses of supplements to help me heal.

I recovered $5,000 of that in a lawsuit. That part of it was not subject to giving 1/3 to the attorney.

Had I needed surgery, I would have been a medical bankrupt, and probably homeless. No one should have to go through that.

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Please insert the gif of Meryl Streep providing a standing ovation here. I’ve upset the Disqus and it is not accepting my sacrifice of html tags.

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WaPo history that might have been:'It turns out that none of the men mentioned in the story were actually plumbers, so we're giving Messers. Woodward and Bernstein's story three out of four Pinocchios.'

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