Just for the record. A mosque is not consecrated ground like a church or, I would think, most temples or other houses of worship around the world. Since God is everywhere, there's nothing special about a mosque. It is a community center, open to all - with no pews or special places for wealthy members of the congregation.

A mosque has a "mihrab" - a niche or wall indentation that shows the direction to Mecca. Many mosques have one or more minarets - but then, many older college and university buildings have towers, so there really isn't anything unique about that.

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If you asked me if I were Van Jones I would definately lie and say "Yes."

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"He’s the one who wanted to force a mosque on the ashes of Ground Zero"

So at that site it will be "Ash Everyday?"

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Bud Light? Pabst Blue Ribbon?

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Another one was burned in Joplin MO. I suspect someone thought their God's aim was a bit off with that tornado.

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those preachers in Michigan are gonna be PISSED

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Good thing the Trekkies were in town that weekend...

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looks like the swift boaters are up shit creek without a paddle. Plan B, play the victim...

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