I actually was called by a pollster the other night. 20 minute survey of all the issues. Of course, I was consistently “Ol’ Handsome Joe gets a five star rating from me in any and all categories”.

Party wise, I’m registered as “decline to state”.

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You are welcome! It was earned.

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Republicans who aren't assholes? Ah, the good old days.

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He hasn't exposed those reptoid alien human flesh eaters that everybody knows are the ones supplying supermarkets with pork, either. You're right. The liberal MSM are being really soft on him.

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Media corporations are, well, corporations.

Their owners, executives, and higher-ranking employees are rich, or at least affluent.

If non-conservative Democrats ever got full control of the Democratic Party, and that party ever got control of all three branches of the Federal Government, then taxes on corporations and on wealthy, and even merely affluent, individuals would probably rise.

What does Occam's Razor tell us about this situation?

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Vanity Fair had a much better take. Compared to much of the mediasphere. "Americans Prefer Biden Over Trump" on the front page. Then on the page "Look's Like Americans Prefer Binden's Competence To Trump's Chaos"


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THIS^^^ It really is all about their feelings, rather than facts.

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And it was a prop half empty at that. But it will work with the rubes.

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Yes, they are all click baiting stories these days, unfortunately. Some of us still want and get, actual news, but you almost have to just follow the journalist, instead of the paper.

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Sadly, they like Republicans for the hate reads.

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And now their heirs are the republican party, I miss when we all made fun of them for being crazy.

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I really like the latter category.

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Roger Ailes was Nixon's toady and started Fox News with the specific goal of never letting a Republican get thrown out of office again. So, Fox is a direct result of Nixon.

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Yeah but many of them only turn out for the orange monster. If he's not on the ticket they are going to loose interest. Grandpa Fox-mainliner, however, is another story.

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