I wish this case was on the "rocket docket"....it needs to be dealt with quick, so TFG's appeals can be quashed.

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I'm not an expert, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest passing some legislation would probably help.

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They absolutely will. They're too busy slurping up CRT moral panic to notice in the first place, and anyway they've got just enough money to get an abortion elsewhere if they need it.

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Why isn't freakin' Bannon in a freakin' jail?

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Except all his brain-dead followers would claim he had been murdered by Dem space lasers financed by the Rothschilds and Soros, and at least one Trumpist would go on a shooting rampage.

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I cordially and publicly invite Donald J Trump Sr to engage in multiple acts of self-fornication employing copious amounts of ferrous oxide coated agricultural tools.

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I will not celebrate the death of any man but I won't waste a second weeping for that one.

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Boy, I bet it really ground Dersh’s gears to see WaPo call him a “conservative lawyer.”

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That’s pretty every issue. Democrats lose when they let republicans dictate the terms of debate.

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All his brain-dead followers would claim _____________ Rothschilds and Soros, and at least one Trumpist would go on a shooting rampage.

There. I turned it into a Madlib for you. Ought to be good for many years.

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'Your honour, these crimes were committed by my client, yes. But as he is now engaged in a campaign to become President I have to ask you to cease prosecuting him for them. Only a man who is willing to commit in any number of nefarious criminal undertakings is now fit to ask to lead this nation'

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"Steve Bannon knows damn well that a court will make mincemeat out of his nonsensical invocation of executive privilege" Does he? I haven't heard a word about him being arrested.

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too many in so-called "law enforcement" are on the side of the insurrection

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Yes. Unfortunately.

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How does anyone find him remotely appealing?

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When the election officials were talking to Congress last weak, one of the Republicans shared a tweet where someone said they were going to put him and his family's heads on spikes.

The first thought in my mind? It's pikes, asshole.

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