We are better than the MAGA crowd who defend Trump no matter what. I know people love dogs, but in my opinion a dog that bites on two separate occasions is a problem. As a pet owner I’m sure I would downplay it too. That doesn’t make it right. I think Biden is wrong here, just my tiny little opinion. But I do love Biden.

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I think the word is 'nipped' is telling. I've had dogs 'snap' at me, but they don't make contact. A a snap is a warning and a strong one, but a 'nip' is way more.

Nip is sinking the teeth in, and deliberate by the dog. Some dogs don't do well in certain environments, and it behooves the owners to recognize that. If not for the sake of co-workers, then for the stake of Major. when dogs are stressed, the go into defensive mode.

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Can we just pass a damn federal law making election day a national holiday? Or do it on Sunday? (I know, Jesus will be mad, but I hear he's good at getting over stuff.)

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Even Bob Woodward wants to be Bob Woodward these days. His last two books were .... not sending us his best.

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If I want to know what Kessler thinks I'll ask Bezos.

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Poste for GOD:Oh FFS! Trump lied intentionally every 15 seconds...no biggie. Joe mixes up two states...end of democracy as we know it. Good job saving the republic, Kessler.

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Major just got back from rehab. Give him a chance.

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Ginger doesn't believe in Ginger.

She told reporters the wedding will be 'sometime in 2024'.

Her brother is a billionaire and super-supporter of ... you guessed it.

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Yeah, well, a lot of women were manipulated and raped back then and no one was taken to task for it. So, good riddance to those bad old days, thanks.

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I’m all for second chances. Pay it forward, Major!

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I agree. I don’t want to see Major put in that situation. A nervous or jumpy dog, who doesn’t do well surrounded by strangers all day, shouldn’t be there. It’s the White House, thousands of people work in and around that environment. He’s “nipped” twice. If he nips a third time, is that too many?

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Dump Columbus Day fot Election Day.

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This is probably the commie stooge in me speaking but how about we institute universal mail in voting for every legal voter who requests it, no questions asked.

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To be honest, I would think that the *substantive* inaccuracy in what Biden said was the part about the Georgia thing being "Un-american".

Let's be honest: voter-suppression is *extremely* American. Hell, dehumanizing an entire "race" and reducing them to the status of "property" was *also* "American".

True story:

A right-winger "friend" of mine and I were eating at a Chinese restaurant some years back. This guy had an ideological hard-on for the "Founding Fathers", and tended to resort to weird little verbal tics involving phrases like "tree of liberty" and "mischief of faction" (in order to delude the gullible into believing that he had actually *read* the Federalist Papers, and suchlike).

Anyway, I off-handedly asked how he was able to reconcile the "Founding Fathers" - particularly Thomas Jefferson - having penned a bunch of glittering generalities about "Unalienable rights" and suchlike - with the fact that many of them "owned" slaves.

He looked me right in the eye, and said "When they said 'all men are created equal", they weren't talking about women or niggers!"

I basically lost any and all respect I had for the guy, at that point.

The horrifying part was: in retrospect, he was *right*. The glitering generalities and attendant mythology *were* only intended for the (notionally) "White", landed gentry.

THAT is the dirty secret - the *rotten core* - of "America".

The U.S. would be a significantly different place if the "Founding Fathers" had actually *meant* what they said.


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Columbus day isn't a holiday anymore in AZ, because instituting a holiday for that Ni-KLANG! was a step too far for Gov. "Pickaninnies" Meacham back in the day and he decoded that if the Lege was going to declare it we'd just have to take another holiday off the list.

but don't worry, the AZ GQP is planning on doing away with that whole pesky "elections" nonsense., so it'll be a moot point.

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nothing like a blanket statement to miss the point

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