And of course there's absolutely no way there could ever possibly have been any kind of groundwork laid down during Clinton's four years at Foggy Bottom that might in any conceivable manner have aided, let alone been important, to Kerry's being able to announce the talks.

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So Hillz gynee bein old and all makes it so she cant be prezeedent but Cohen would be fine rubbing his dick on paper and agreein to Joe's old johnson WTF???What I want to know is when we get to see Reese's gynee and cupcakes?? I like cupcakes and gynee's

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I got your "stirring trumpet call right here" ya 8th runner up for Wanker of the Decade.

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Dick Cohen, not Richard Cohen.

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Yeah, she really missed the boat by not serving half a term as governor somewhere...

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Pegging is all the rage. Or so I hear...

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"Joe Biden is not only 5 years older but is also of a gender whose life expectancy is 5 years longer, but this doesn't matter because women - yeesh! Amiright?"

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<blockquote>...until Jeff Bezos sells it to Patch.</blockquote> The <i>Post</i> goes hyperlocal! What new dress shop just opened in Kalorama? Dr Gridlock writes 800 words about a pothole in College Park!

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Well, I know what it <em>accomplished</em> - confirmation that Cohen's an insufferable asshole. I'm guessing that probably wasn't the intent, though, but I can't rule this out because it's what <em>all</em> of Cohen's columns achieve.

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With a map, or with 8 x 10 color glossy photographs with circles and arrows on it...

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