I am so glad he didn't say boogers, pee pee, or doodie, then. Man, they'd flip out.

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It hurts like hell I bet.

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I spent an idle hour over at the Beitards this morning to see how they were taking all this foderall. Hilariously they are swooning over Sarah by the carload full of sock puppets and deranged nutball me too's. She didn't quit she resigned! He really has cornered the market on the sad lost boys of the GOP. Then I had some club soda and now I feel fine.

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At least the teabaggers like one out of the three.

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No immediate plans, but I'm not worried ... I've got Hoffa down here to consult with, and he's taking this one personally. Quite an imagination he has ... I could almost call it "diabolical".

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Take them out ... with our votes!

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if'n i cud read them squiggly marks you made, i wudn't need food stamps to get me some cheez fries.

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It doesn't count as "profanity" if all you do is make me<a href="http:\/\/mediamatters.org\/mmtv\/201101260054" target="_blank"> think of</a> the f-word.

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Demoncrats calling Repubicans names! My word. I believe I am having an attack of the vapors. We didn't have such disrespectful outbursts from the America-haters when the president was a more traditional type of man instead of a lying illegal socialist muslim.

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Kind of like storming the Bastille only this time the revolutionaries are the extremely wealthy and the enemy is democratically elected government, the poor, equal rights, diversity, etc.

Wealth = power = righteousness

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If only the Kochs would go and battle him on (or under) his own turf.

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They found Jimmy Hoffa at McDonald's.

Which one?

All of them.

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Faux News has done more damage to the U.S. than Al Quaeda could ever dream of.

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Wake me when they get to the profanity.

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Voting against the GOP is unpatriotic. Simple as that.

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