Went yesterday - that's when I found out it's infected. They're waiting for that to clear up (yay antibiotics!) before repairing the damage.

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That would help explain the heavy makeup.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I have a question can we the general population people recall the president? I know Congress can impeach him or eject him on mental health issues or whatever but can we put together a recall for him ourselves? I know it can be done on a local level but can we do it on a national level? Is that legal and will we have to do it in every state for it to be legal? It's kind of a legal question but if we cannot rely on the Senate or House come to its senses can we say this guy's nuts and can we recall him and elect someone else because honestly I think we will have to do something and I don't trust Mike Pence or Paul Ryan. Other countries have ways to basically say I have no faith in this government dissolve it, we have none of this here.

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Isn't he around 50? So late 80s.

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We vote in 2018 for new representatives. That's our legal recourse. In the meantime, we hound our current reps and demand they DO SOMETHING!

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Oh, now Megan McArdle is getting sniffish about Trump? You're a day late and a dollar short with that one, honey.

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Thanks for the explanation, Shy. Thanks for talking them down to one ad.

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Reince Priebus: "I scoff at your silly rules."

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Can we general population people get together and basically say Donald Trump's nuts it's quite obvious we want him gone. On the local level is possible to recall is it possible on a national level. On a local level a certain number of signatures are needed can we do that on a national level is it possible, it's a question for us to consider can we do this as citizens speak for ourselves directly not rely on representatives.

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You know, I was thinking that the orange was a misdirect for something, and there it is - medical-grade makeup.

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Shouldn't we make Spain take Flori-DUH back?

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I hope you didn't freeze the filet mignon.

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Donald's soul was mortgaged to Hell two bankruptcies ago.

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This is the worst day yet. Every day it gets geometrically worse. I keep expecting to read a leaked memo saying that Trump is ordering vast quantities of Zyklon-B.

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We say all of this when we demonstrate. There is no recall provision for the president. If there were, it would have been used before (all those bigots would have been asking for signatures to oust the black man.) In California, we have a recall procedure. We recalled Governor Davis, and first prize was Arnold Schwartzenegger.

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Yes, this is possible, but we would need supporters in high places, primarily federal judges. It would help to have support from leaders in the military, but don't look for that.

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