I believe we will have to get someone else to talk to our kids about the dangers of drugs. I mean, shit, on one listens to Trump. Maybe all it takes is getting Eric to stare blankly into the camera, and they might get the message?

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Did you know the guy who played McGruff was sentenced to 16 years in the slammer for pot and a grenade launcher? Just say no, indeed.http://time.com/5234/mcgruf...

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A Minnesota Muslin lefty libtard?

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To call an addiction a disease is to abdicate agency. Think of a man on trial for sexual assault, saying to the judge, "Your Honor, I am a victim- of rapism.

Uh, no.

I'm going to assume you've never been raped, which is why you can conflate something one does to himself and something one does to another person?

As someone who has experienced both rape and addiction, fuck you.

In the interest of being somewhat more constructive, there are medical methods to treat addiction. They work. Praying or thinking addiction away is great, but they are not scientific and have a pitiful rate of success.

I am glad just quitting worked for you. But, if it doesn't work for someone else it is cruel to suggest that it should have, if only they were stronger people.

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I did not conflate the two. I juxtaposed the two, in order to suggest that since I would never accept 'the disease of rapism' as a defense for the crime of rape, perhaps I ought not say (in effect) that the disease of alcoholism bought that bottle of vodka, opened it, and forced the contents down my throat.

You called addiction 'something one does to himself' and not 'something that happens to someone': you may agree with me more than you think.

Is it cruel to say to a person (or people) "You are stronger than you think, accept some responsibility!"? There should be fitness classes to define, strengthen, and tone free will. "Feel the burn, people! Exercise that free will! And-a-one-and-a-two-and-a-...."

Lastly, for a rape victim to fortify his/her argument with a gratuitous 'fuck you'- how richly ironic is that?!?!? That's my daily fix of irony, right there! Thanks!

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Wow. You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you? Done with you. Blocked.

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And you are a special kind of special. Perhaps one day they'll make a bus short enough for you.

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Once I went to a meeting of Caffeinics Anonymous. In the corner of the room was a keg of beer and plastic cups.

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The Perdue brothers...http://theweek.com/articles...

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pfft...why you think we're in afghanistan?

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Did M'lania snap that pic with her own obamaphone? Is that the actual size of the giant hair pills Old Baldy takes?

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My late brother, a psychiatrist, used drugs all the time with his patients, but as means to an end: getting them stabilized to the point where therapy could actually take place. Inevitably he caught some patients gaming the system for drugs, and he "fired" them. Otherwise, when he had patients back firmly on earth and motivated to get better, he was able to help hundreds of people.

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Whatever works. It could be that belief in free will, or in determinism, is itself genetically contingent. Me, I feel compelled to accept free will; others will say they have chosen to accept determinism.What gits mah goat, though, is the claim that addiction is 100% disease, made by substance-abuse counsellors, who say "I'm certified and you're not so shut up and oh you don't drink that's the worst kind of alcoholic!" I will certainly accept that addiction damages agency (meaning free will). A person in a cirrhotic coma- there's nothing left but the disease. But there was certainly a time in that person's life when they could've applied their agency and made a different choice.

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nah...itsa gonna be all of 'em with me---because that not-25%?...they may not be racist bigot xenophobe homophobe misogynist assholes...but they sure were OK with everyone else (and the big orange in particular) who is

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Wow. That's not my experience. I had major abdominal surgery 3 weeks ago, and the narcs are long gone, believe me. I was discharged on a Thursday and given enough to go through Sunday night.

There are many, many problems with opiates, but now the pendulum is swinging the other way to an insane degree. I am a visiting nurse, and we are stuck between the federal requirement to closely monitor pain and demonstrate that it is improving, and the near-impossibility of getting physicians to prescribe enough to achieve that in many, many cases.

There are people with severe chronic pain. My mother was one of them. With the sophisticated pharmaceuticals available, these people should not have to suffer. But they are suffering. A few are making it insupportable for the many.

BTW also a recovered person myself.

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There is a problem with senior citizens and addiction AARP magazine had a long article about it, as well as old white people selling their scripts.

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