Ha! I have definitely heard the line echoed, which is awesome.

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We have restaurants in Austin that allow dogs. I like it but have not taken my dog. I much prefer the company of dogs to most people.

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YES!! I have to put up with idiotic loud mouth drooly stupid humans, everyfuckingwhere. Loud mouths, sexist, phone talkers, perfume wearers. Ugh. I prefer dogs and cats and just about any non-human animals over human animals, any damned day.

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Your poor relatives would be carried out in body bags if they sat near me. By the time I've rassled dog & cats to board and care, gotten on the airporter I'm covered in animal hair. No amount hair roller tape thingeys can help. Who knew animals shed a years worth hair when being crated and decrated? I'd rather have Charlie sit on my lap for an entire flight than be near Mark Halpin, ever. Good Charlie, bad Mark.

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It was a red eye flight, attendants often have to fly home to their base city or he & his dog travel during time off. Either way he and the dog had tickets. Most dogs prefer being on the ground. I can't see why the dog caused halpin so much butthurt.

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I have an emotional support dog, Lucy. She's very short-haired and extremely well behaved. She flew with me from Indiana to Reno Nevada and back several years ago. Had her own seat, on which I rolled out her little bed (she's about 20 lbs.) I didn't hear anyone complain, but then being extremely hearing-impaired comes in handy sometimes!

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Just to add: mark Halperin has been a dick every time I've seen the guy on TV.

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"Never work with children or animals."

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And he's a dick on the campaign trail, too.

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the old saying still rings true today - if you want a friend - get a dog

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You didn't by any chance go to Catholic school did you?

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[I don't get it]

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Nothing to get really , in totally non-Wonkette fashion I was asking if you'd gone to a Catholic School because your writing reminds me of someone I knew long ago.

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my prose has evolved since high school with the imprimatur of Wonkette in the colloquialisms used. I hope it was someone you liked

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Actually it was before high school and I liked him very much.

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How kinky are Mika and Joe?

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