Austin Powers Libel!!!

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Update: Baumgartner <a href="http:\/\/www.kirotv.com\/news\/news\/local-govt-politics\/wa-senate-candidate-apologizes-swearing-reporter\/nRG4W\/" target="_blank">retracts</a> his nonpology:

<i>State Senator and U.S. Senate candidate Michael Baumgartner issued an apology Tuesday, then retracted it after apparently sending a profane email to a reporter for the political blog Publicola. "Let me just say, Josh had it coming in this email, and I don't apologize," Baumgartner told KIRO 7's Graham Johnson on Tuesday afternoon. "Look, it's a naughty word. It doesn't amount to a whole lot." </i>

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To steal a bit from Woody Allen, at least it's sex with someone you love.

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While "Afghanistan, damn it!" is a change from the standard GNoP "9/11, stupid!" if one member of the Senate or House could really make a difference regarding the US being in a war, Barbara Lee would have kept us out of Iraq.

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I'm not saying all wingnuts are sociopaths, but it would explain a lot of the things they've said lately.

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