After the woman gives birth, he will return to make sure she breastfeeds.

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Um, he would be a libtard only if he petitioned the GOVERNMENT to take away the lady's smokes. Threatening her personally with violence or death hence has nothing to do with the gubmint so freedoms. I vote wingtard.

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This one is complicated.

The good, wholesome part of him, the part that patriotically carried a gun, that worried about the health of the baby, that part was Republican.

The bad, evil part of him, which caused him to point his gun at a lady, and to militantly push no smoking views on others, that part was Democrat.

Guess he is one of those "Undecided" people...

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Yes, shooting pregnant women is clearly a rational way to protect their fetuses.

Could we just put it out there, that regardless of ideology, people with guns do scarily stupid things with them?

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... the cigarette was armed?

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