It is time to say clearly he is anathema to the Republican Party

Can't Trump just take some iron supplements for his anathema?

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Okay, I don't have much in common with republicans anyway, but really, people want a boss? That's crazy. Bosses are often evil and typically don't want what's best for you.

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Your winnings, sir.

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They broke it, they own it?

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I just hover over the linked text and examine the url that shows up in my status bar. That gives me enough information to decide whether or not I want to click on it.

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Amending the US Constitution does require a bit more effort than that.

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Not really a boss. More like a combination of a chieftain and a very traditional stern father figure.

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The problem isn't Trump, it's the Republican Party base. Even if he turned around tomorrow and attempted to walk back all of the BS, the base wouldn't let him. He isn't steering them, he is reacting to and reflecting them. And if he dropped out, this stuff would still continue because as Kaili pointed out above, there are at least a half dozen other candidates who advocate exactly the same things. What Donald Trump is expressing in this campaign are mainstream Republican values in 2015. It is a stance that they have been developing for decades.

And yes, I believe that Trump means every word of what he says. The City is indeed a very diverse place, and as such it includes many other dickheads who think just like him. (And don't even get me started on Long Island politics ...) As well as plenty of voters who don't, I should add.

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Trump didn't start this campaign on a lark. Don't forget, he's tried it before. And over the past decade he has made many pronouncements and untold numbers of Tweets expressing the very same kinds of things outside of election seasons. Trump has been publicly staking out these positions for quite a few years now.

The Donald's somewhat "liberal" social positions do not invalidate this picture. There is plenty of precedent for people like him whose positions don't fit into the familiar left-right scheme. Mussolini, for instance, was a leftist socialist before he embraced the emerging Fascist movement. So was Joseph Goebbels. And both held onto a few head-scratching, anomalous positions that were seemingly completely at odds with each party's philosophy right up to the end. (Academics still argue even today whether Fascism was an ultra-leftist or an ultra-rightist movement, and many have concluded that it doesn't comfortably fit into the conventional left-right spectrum at all. Some of their big policies, such as national syndicalism, are utterly bizarre when examined from a liberal vs. conservative starting point.) The observation that Trump advocates an anomalous and seemingly incongruent set of policies doesn't necessarily indicate that those positions are superficial.

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I understand and used to feel the same way but ...

Firstly not everybody checks the status bar before clicking a link.

Secondly famous search engines crawl the web looking at links from one site to another and how many hits there are on the page with the link. Putting the Barfbot link onto a Wonkette page will increase the chance that the Breitbutt page will show up near the top of a search - and hence increase dead Breitbart's advertising revenue.

Hence use "Do not Link" - please?

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Yeah, I am not very knowledgeable about the whole SEO thing.

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Know Nothings.

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We built this shithead, we built this shithead on fear and hate

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We've said that before, so many times now, and the harder he moves toward goose stepping, the greater the response from that section of the party base.I do not think we have hit rock bottom, yet

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Thats the Daily News, not the Post up there.

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Here's looking at ya kidhttps://media4.giphy.com/me...

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