Why does the Washington Post #WAR on Easter every year?
Why does it forget that Jesus Is the Reason for the Season? We bet they even call it "spring break," like a bunch of fucking pagan Wiccan lesbian abortionists, instead of Jesus Died For Your Sins And On The Third Day He Rose Again Vacation. Well, once again the "wits" at WaPo are mocking not only Jesus, with their stupid "Peep" shows, but also the military, God, the Pope, and America itself. Let's steal some pictures!
Here the Washington Post is making fun of our generals and their heat-seeking missiles.
Here the Washington Post is offering a Communist jeremiad that our corporations feed on the common man.
Here the Washington Post is endorsing chopping your wife up with a hatchet, because now that there is gay marriage, moms aren't necessary.Â
Fuck you Washington Post. You made babby Jesus cry.
[ WaPo ]
Peeps are people?
Easter gives me an excuse to cook a BF ham. Jesus is OK by me even though he's not real.