This is what you get when you find a stranger in the Alpo.

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You can have my job when you pry if from my cold, dead hands.

("Take This Job and Shove It" has been, er, retired as a working-class anthem.)

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"He has been wrong about pretty much everything he has ever prognosticated about."

When your job is to tell Republicans what they want to hear, that's pretty much an expected occupational hazard.

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I think we need a few dozen more aircraft carriers so we can name them after racist old southern segregationists. That and go to war with Iran. Then everything will come up roses.

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The fuck?

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Oh, I thought maybe they were going to recruit the guys who drink coffee at our local Hardee's all day to do volunteer sniping or something.

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I’ve pretty much given up seeking a sane GOoPer. I’d settle for one that took its meds regularly.

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<blockquote>Republicans and Democrats alike have been prepared to see hundreds of billions of dollars cut from the defense budget, with even more cuts coming if Congress fails to avoid the automatic “sequestration.”</blockquote>

Lower budget = less world influence. Of course. What could be more obvious?

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