"Fist bump!"

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Sam? Oh, Sam's okay...

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I bet it doesn't apply to legless post-menupausals.

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Mexico might pay for that.

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And the plan is really simple when it comes to those who don't surrender: "If they do not yield – kill all males."The unspoken part (or maybe just not quoted here) is "...and press the women into service as baby machines."

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It was to the Constitution, but it's the SovCit version that exists only in their imaginations. Therefore righteous and not at all breaking his oath. Sadly, reality doesn't see it that way.

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Eastern WA is Mississippi with better teeth,

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In his fever swamp of a mind, women won't cheerfully blow his head off or butcher his plastic sovereign cowboys with equal efficiency to men. Something about votes goes here.

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I think you have hit on Matt's hidden agenda....... wimmins!

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The eastern half of Washington is flat, dusty plains and little to look at. The western half, where I lived, is drop dead gorgeous. Why is it that the beautiful half attracts peace loving protectors and the ugly half attracts White Nationalist idiots?

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Yeah, this is becoming less funny (not in the ha ha funny sense, but in the oh, Jesus, the world is fucked, might as well laugh to keep from crying sense) to those of us who live in deep red towns in deep red states.

In my neighborhood, one thing we learned right quick in 2016 was that Democratic yard signs would either be torn to shreds and left in contemptuous heaps on the lawn, or else they would be used for target practice: you'd find them in the morning, riddled with bullet holes. Also, they wouldn't clean up after their dogs on the lawns of known Democrats. That sure showed those Democrats.

After a few years of Donald, I no longer have any confidence that his fan base will stop at just the signs and the shit, not if they think nobody's watching. Good times in Donald's America.

The rage that's out there, weaponized by Koch and Mercer money and Bannon tactics and Facebook algorithms---it's stunning.

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If Trump hasn’t pardoned this smarmy little prick yet, what’s he waiting for?

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Not so, some really beautiful areas in Eastern Wa, just SOME are not beautiful people

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We've known this for a LONG while. But.... eastern WA is what it is. And that is that they are dipshits. AND I'd like to know what the other states think of this dipshit wanting to take part of their states to make their own "state".....

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Or beaten to death, because they have courage in numbers.

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