<blockquote>Frankly, he’s disappointed. He thought the guy said Hillary worshipped <i>Vaal.</i></blockquote> Nah mang, everybody knows she's in the thrall of Nightmare Moon.

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Too long ago, and too few appearances, Dok...

Also too, often viewed while undergoing recreational chemical enhancement, which while amusing at the time didn't promote the formation of long-term memories.

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Oops, they're on to us.

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Give Roberts a few more years...

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Make Zod go first!!!

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The Led is in my pant leg.

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Well, really, who is?

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RWNJs, on the other hand, actually <i>are</i> assholes.

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That's the way your hard-core Kenyan Muslin Socialists work. I first became aware of it, johnnyz, during the physical act of love...

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"What if? ..." "What if?..."

I think that part was where Knight slipped into his alter ego, "Princess Stupid Ass."

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Hardcore ears of porn! Harcore ears of porn! We've got silos full of them! We sell them at our little family farm stands located throughout wingnut land! Try our specialty: porn-on-the-cob!

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Mostly, I don't reply to you, because you're entitled to your opinion, whether or not I agree with it. And, of course, it's true that mainstream Democrats are different only in degree from mainstream Republicans in many areas.

But, they are still different.

I've been trying to explain to people since before 1980 that the party affiliation of the President is <i>crucially</i> important because of the ability to appoint lifetime Justices of the Fucking Supreme Court. Scaly Tony is still fucking us over long after Zombie Ron shuffled off the scene.

Kagan may be "meh", and Sotomayor isn't a flaming liberal, but just imagine the SCOTUS after President McCain's or President Rmoney's appointments.

Okay, Hillz is a tool of Wall Street. What is your alternative? Someone who can actually get elected, please. Because you sometimes sound like one of the folks who thinks there was no difference between Gore and Bush. To which I say "Alito and Roberts?"

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Alito. Roberts.

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But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate. So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

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