No, no....that's top SCOTCH journalism. Like meebe Macallen or Knockando.

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There is a great bagel shop in Forest Hills (near the LIRR station) that has a salt bagel to die for....mmmm.....still hot & with a schmear of scallion cream cheese....great, now I'm hungry and 250 miles from said bagel shop....

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So help us Mick Foley!

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Or other people in general.

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"Oh, son, for that you traded your everlasting soul? " "Well, I wasn't using it."

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If -- 1. heaven is full of narrow-minded, clueless, dumbfuck evangelicals, and 2. it's ruled by a childish, vindictive, sadistic asshole god,

Then please, <i>please</i> keep those gates of hell open for me.

(And thanks Wonkette for making my day!)

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What more is there to say?

"The Washington Times is a daily broadsheet newspaper published in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. It was founded in 1982 by Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon, and until 2010 was owned by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate associated with the church."

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Mark Twain's take:

"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."

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Darn it, I completely missed every report from inside the RNC Prayeritorium.

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"Everybody’s going to hell."

As Wonkette's advance man from hell, let me tell you that, while bad, it's not excruciating. Yes, there are the cubicles and you have to hector elderly widows who have fallen behind on their car payments. But the chairs aren't bad and the coffee is free. It's mediocre sure...but it's free. Oh, and the hot chocolate is free too, but it's made by Nestle. There are a few things this newly anointed denizen of hell won't eat.

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Maybe he was just waiting on the bus.

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I'm surprised, actually, that they're going to leave him that way, when there's so much mischief (and money) to be made from his reincarnation. I say it's even money that they're searching right now for someone to play that role.

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So I guess someone thought this election needed a <a href="http:\/\/www.latimes.com\/news\/nationworld\/nation\/la-na-campaign-2012-20120909,0,2184455.story" target="_blank">religious argument</a>?

Yes, let's totally <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Criticism_of_the_Book_of_Mormon" target="_blank">go there</a>.

Or maybe we can stick to issues <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/No_Religious_Test_Clause" target="_blank">elected officials</a> and <a href="http:\/\/caselaw.lp.findlaw.com\/data\/constitution\/amendment01\/" target="_blank">government actually is allowed</a> to have some influence over?

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Given that the Moonster poured about a billion dollars into keeping the W.T. afloat, I wonder how much longer the conservatard rag will continue to exist.

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