Thank you!!! I am learning to rock the badass head--the hubby loves rubbing it, and I'm looking into getting a chest tattoo to hide the scars, once everything stops hurting. Good wishes and blessings to you and yours! And, really, DO think about genetic testing. With your family history, insurance should cover it: that's the deciding factor. If you draw up a list of all your kin who got cancer, the type, and their ages, there shouldn't be any problem.

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Can't say anything except that you are awesome...😌

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Aw, shucks (pushing toe into dirt) thank you! But I met a really awesome man at the cancer clinic who has been living with cancer for 20 years and doesn't let it dampen his joy in living. Whenever it pops up he just slaps it down with treatment and keeps on going. BTW, I've always liked your avatar--I'm a mad dem in GA., myself.

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You know who else stayed married to his wife for 70 years and never cheated on her?

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What a man !!!! Until you hear the words cancer you have no fucking clue as to what a person goes through and to see the strength and courage Jimmy just displayed shows the man is truly something special Good Luck Mr President

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OK, I know Jimmy would not approve, butFUCK CANCER

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Well said, marxalot.

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Really. How fucked up is that???

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Suse, your eloquence is making me cry. STOP IT!Love, proudgrampa

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This man exudes the grace that Huckabee and his fellow evilgelicals* only wish and pretend they could have.

*Thanks, VirginiaLady

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Um, would any of the good folks who we all so righteously make fun of in these parts consider taking a few lessons from Mr. President Carter?

Didn't think so.

Keep on keepin on, President Jimmeh. :)..

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Talk about grace. Sigh.

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I'm still reading Rick Perlstein's excellent book, "The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan". And what's fascinating is that Gerald Ford was chosen as VP because he was considered such a dunderhead, so that the idea of impeaching Nixon and making Ford president would be unthinkable. Well...

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It still blows my mind and boggles me that Reagan and his people intentionally kept Americans in Iran hostage to win the election. And they were released the minute Reagan was sworn in. And, this is well known now- except for people who have flushed it down the memory-hole, and Reagan is still considered a great President. Actually, more of a god-like figure on the right. UNbelievable!

Another thing that I have read: ABC's "20/20" started during the Iran hostage crisis, and the program was completely designed by corporate media sorts in the tank for Reagan to be a slow, relentless anti-Carter drip-drip-drip, exploiting the hostage crisis to the hilt. "Day 36""Day 49""Day 57""Day 77" "Day 114 of the Iran hostage crisis". EVERY single night was designed to remind people how Carter had failed to save the hostages. That show- back when channels were far fewer and way more people watched ABC for news- was sheerly designed as an anti-Carter propaganda exercise, to diminish Carter and exploit the crisis to set things up for Reagan. "Day 183". They never let up with it. 20/20 was completely a slick and subtle operation posing as a news show to get rid of Carter and get Reagan in. Alas, it worked.

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i don't wonder who might have called Obama the night before the OBL raid (c'mon Jimmy would have found out somehow) . . . and told him "check the weather report and send a spare helicopter!"

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agreed . . . a good man, not a perfect one.

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