or an intern...

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Florida will have plenty of water in a few decades... I hope the people remember who lied to them, as they walk away from their submerged homes and property.

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Waste of a perfectly good rat's ass, but go right ahead.

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"polluters will be negatively impacted"

End of discussion for politicians wallowing in Kochroach money.

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Always tuck your collar into your sweater. Thank You.

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IOK(and totally worth it)IYAR

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I'm with John Oliver. I have chosen to not believe in owls.

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OK, here is a counterpoint. I don't agree with the notion some are putting out there, including the wingiest of nuts, that somehow the actions of actually addressing a real human-made problem will actually have an impact on net job creation. Yes, polluters will be negatively impacted, and rightfully so, but by necessity new innovations will create new, sustainable jobs for a better energy creation/consumption model. This is the way economic evolution works. Of course, these idiots don't believe in evolution either, so fuck 'em.

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Mika forgot she is only there to play Odie to his Garfield.

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<a href="http:\/\/rationalwiki.org\/wiki\/Fun:Global_warming_denial_Bingo" target="_blank">This.</a>

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Which is why we know time travel does not exist - as the people 100 years from now would come back and be "most unpleasant" when addressing their concerns.

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Does the plan involve relocating Morning Joe to McMurdo Sound to watch the glaciers collapse first-hand?

If so, I can get on board with that.

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Maybe it hasn't occurred to Rubio that there won't be any Congresscritters from Florida when Florida is underwater. I think he might not be very s-m-r-t.

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